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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. That's certainly a step up from a fear-mongering robocall from Giuliani
  2. Can I like both? If no, I prefer Summerteeth to AM.
  3. Was it Colbert, Madison, or a studio version?
  4. Damn, that's gotta be hard. No time to grieve.
  5. Does this mean I can stay home tomorrow?
  6. I don't know what you are referring to specifically, but often the "vintage" is a reissue. In fact the 1962 was/is a specific reissue model that was started in the 1980s. I think they're Japanese. I would think original means it is actually from the 1960's.
  7. I can't wait for this to get started. I read this over the summer and absolutely love it. I'll have to skim some pages so that I'm not totally lost.
  8. You can say that again. Most recent poll I've seen (Friday) has Begich up by 22. Looks like it's over for Teddy. Good luck with your appeal.
  9. Just noticed these behind the scene photos on Wilcoworld and hadn't seen them posted here yet: http://wilcoworld.net/photos/colbert.php
  10. Better than never: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I early voted on Halloween. Someone came dressed as Palin and campaigned for Obama. Costume looked pretty good too.
  12. Scott (guitar) and Toby (bass) both sing. On We All Belong and Fate, the albums start out with them singing every other song. We All Belong - Toby on odd numbers and Scott on evens until the middle where it flips (I forget who sings Weekend, but Scott definitely sings 7. Ain't It Strange). Fate is Scott on odd numbers and Toby on evens (there's a two in a row somewhere but I forget) Toby has the rougher sounding voice, more Band-like, where Scott's reminds me more of the Beatles.
  13. I don't get the impression that this is something they'll play again. Maybe, but it seems like something put together just for the show.
  14. I like this show. It's no Dexter of Six Feet Under but it's pretty damn good. I wonder what next season is going to be like. The last season was a lot different than the earlier ones. I'll leave it at that as not to throw out any spoilers.
  15. From Wednesday: Stevens is losing ground.
  16. Thanks, Doug. When I looked there were cheap seats, but with Ticketmaster fees and the price of tickets, i don't know. If it was Wilco I'd be there in a second. priorities and all.
  17. I felt the same way when I first heard it, but now I think it's my favorite release of their's. It has a lot more depth than We All Belong. Definitely a more mature effort.
  18. I can't wait to hear this. I like her cover of Bessie Smith (The Band)
  19. They must not actually enjoy music. Saw the two Letterman tracks today. Neil Casal does some great work
  20. Doug, I did look for tickets. If this was a tad bit cheaper, I would go. The playoffs cleared out my funds, and my fiancee is unemployed. Enjoy the show. Wish I could go.
  21. They ended Coventry with Curtain, too, right? Great pick, my friend
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