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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I put this post through babelfish and still don't get it.
  2. Another reason to root for the Rays:
  3. Vote for Obama. I'll buy you a Hardees Thickburger, whatever that is.
  4. I quote that as a joke, but with all the lucky weird things that have happened to the Rays this year, I can't help but think they have a chance to still win this Series. Hopefully they play this game tonight. With these games starting so late, it'll be nice to watch a mini game tonight.
  5. I'll say it again: this bitch is crazy
  6. Wilco fans like to wear shirts with corporate logos on them.
  7. So this is going to be outside?
  8. PM me when we hit the bottom so I can buy buy buy
  9. I liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But it was probably because 1.) I like Freaks and Geeks 2.) I actually have a friend who's been working on a Dracula themed rock opera, so that part hit home. It was definitely no Superbad, but I like how Judd Apatow is giving those guys a lot of creative freedom.
  10. I got some purity balls for your daughters right here .. . Heyo!!!
  11. Totally agree. It was ridiculous and disappointing for the World Series to be played in that slush. I am glad, especially given the forecast in Philly for the next few days, that he said that the World Series will not end with an unfinished game.
  12. I just found out we get a Jimmy Buffet Concert for Change down here in FLA. WI, want to trade?
  13. Have they done this lineup before? I'd be interested to see what Pat does in this configuration (acoustic guitar/piano?)
  14. The article I read said that convicted felons can hold a seat in the Senate, so saying he wins, would he have to step down in order for a special election to be held? This is from last Wednesday, latest I could find. I can't wait to see new numbers on this race: Alaska Senate Ivan Moore Res. Begich 46, Stevens 45 Begich +1
  15. Selig said (after the game mind you, so who knows) that he would have put it in indefinite rain delay even if it wasn't tied. Hopefully this works out in the Rays favor. Pena and Longoria got hits last night, Balfour was great. They were starting to turn it around when the game was suspended. Weather permitting, we should have a winner by Thanksgiving.
  16. I've never been a fan of alternative music but these guys rocked the house
  17. Does anyone else find it odd that felons are allowed to hold a seat in the Senate but can't vote in many states?
  18. One guy I know is one of these Hillasry Supporters for McCain. When you ask him about it, his reasoning doesn't make much sense until you get a few beers in him and the racist drivel starts flowing out. Good thing he's Canadian and can't vote anyway. How the issue of race is portrayed by the right is interesting in this election From listening to this guy I know or the conservative talk radio station I occassionally turn on, it seems like they're playing the victim card. Like, we can't say we don't like black people so let's talk about how Barack Obama hates white people. It's ludicrous. It
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