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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Franken race is in mandatory recount. We won't know the results for a couple weeks.
  2. I'm with you on this one bobbob. I think people didn't understand what this amendment was about, and the press did a horrible job clarifying. My paper today referred to it as the gay amendment. Gay marriage & civil unions already aren't recognized in this state, so the passing of this particular amendment affects straights more than gays. We'll probably see cases of people losing health care benefits or not being able to visit loved ones in the hospital, and they'll say but I'm not gay!
  3. The Braves gave him an offer yesterday. From what I've read though he'll need some time in the minors. Given that the Braves don't have a lot of pieces they're willing to move, I would think they would want to save cash for a pitcher they can use now.
  4. Does this guy have to rape a caribou in the middle of a hockey rink to not get re-elected? Wait, Alaskans might actually dig that.
  5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/artsa..._elections.html The List - What's Out, What's In Out: Obama Girl In: Wilco
  6. Congressional Races I've been following: Michele Bachmann won Looks like Ted Stevens is gonna come back to the Senate. What's the deal with Alaska? Franken race is way too close to call still.
  7. Any opinions on pitcher Junichi Tazawa from Japan? Apparently Atlanta, Boston, and Seattle are going after him.
  8. Padres GM saying Peavy and Greene deals will be separate. Sweet. Rumor mill says Peavy going to either Braves or Cubs. Now that the election is over, I'm sticking with baseball as my obsession.
  9. Thanks for that. That's the first explanation that makes sense to me.
  10. We have new ones down here like a scrantron. You fill in the ovals with a black pen and then send it through a machine. It was easy but you don't get any kind of confirmation from the machine.
  11. I understood. I was agreeing with you.
  12. It's written by a random dude from Pittsburgh. It's a nice story, me thinks
  13. I would like to see Peavy come to Atlanta but it looks like a Khalil Greene for Yunel Escobar swap would be part of it. I like Yunel, and I think he's only going to get better. Maybe a three team deal will come together. Then again, I've read that Peavy doesn't want to come to Atlanta and wants to go to the Dodgers. Thanks for letting get my mind off of the election for a minute.
  14. Photo of Khalil Greene trade negotiations:
  15. What do you have against encouraging people to vote? It's fine to disagree, but asinine? This is a democracy. When people are encouraged to vote, they tend to become more interested in the issues. I believe that is good for this country. period.
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