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Everything posted by mjpuczko

  1. ryan adams - gold paul westerberg - mono/stereo wilco - yhf ike reilly - anything by him hold steady - boys & girls joe strummer - mesalero (might be my fave in the last decade) twilight singers - blackberry belle m ward - transfiguration all i can think of now.
  2. is this levon helm & the rco all stars? if so, i can help you out tonight/tomorrow.
  3. bloodsugar is one of my all time fave albums. so freakin' good. i love frusciante's solo work (shadows & everything after. the earlier stuff is annoying imo). he's such an amazing guitar player.
  4. dinosaur jr - farm how i love mascis & his crazy guitar skills
  5. i'd be very excited about this if conor weren't involved. i'll still check it out though.
  6. the mars volta - octahedron i keep trying with these guys. always really like a song or two per album but that's it.
  7. totally agree. i love the black keys but i don't think keep it hid sounds like a normal BK album. i actually prefer keep it hid to any BK album.
  8. for sure. fantastic album. he's great live too np: tom waits - mule variations
  9. those two early years compilations have some good stuff on them too.
  10. i have audio. that's easy to track down!
  11. i've tried all of them (although this was about 4 years ago)
  12. my sis saw the storyteller performance on vh1 when it originally aired. i've yet to track that down too.
  13. ah, yes. supperclub. i couldn't remember if it was that or toad's. i've always loved born in time. i had some random dylan mixes years ago that had that song on it & fell in love right away.
  14. i am obsessed w/ ring them bells from disc 2 (i believe it's from toad's place or something like that). the build up in the middle/middle-end is just stunning.
  15. his storytellers is a definite download imo. i could listen to him talk for hours. i've only seen that ACL performance once (about 5 years ago). never been able to track it down since.
  16. this is precisely why i love bob dylan. i need to read chronicles again.
  17. i believe i started w/ alice & blood money. i did NOT get into that right away. then i went back to the real early stuff & made my way forward. now i love alice & blood money.
  18. i prefer later period waits but the early stuff is damn good.
  19. i don't think it was a joke at all. maybe kokomo was but the ac/dc was a definite tribute.
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