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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. yeah a guitar clerk once told me shubb or die, but i have a somewhat lame reason for resisting: I like having my capo on the headstock of my guitar so I dont lose it and so I can toss it on my guitar quick and easy without fumbling around for it. They are and I have to tune it again, it makes for annoying breaks in anotherwise smooth stream of folk rock.
  2. I have become a firm believer in the power of a capo to a singer, songwriter, guitarist etc. But I rock it with a band/live etc. and I can not for the life of me put a capo on the neck of my guitar without it going out of tune, so I retune to compensate but that slows down the show or band practice. Does anyone know a tip for putting a capo on the neck w/o it going sharp?
  3. Its so true but the songs are SO fun to play. Every couple months I tackle a new one (they are pretty hard for me to finger pick) and I can start to see his logic. I recently knocked Cello Song of the list if only because you just have to drop your G string a half step (and I am once again reminded that any reference to a G string still has potential sexual reference to my child like mind.)
  4. Thats a tough tuning to motivate oneself to use. Nick Drake is the same way, if you want to try playing the song properly you have to pause for two minutes to retune the whole guitar.
  5. I have a DD6 cause my love'd DD5 broke and they dont make them. The DD6 is okay but if you set it hot (louded delay in the mix, longer time to decay) it takes like a half a minute to shut up after you turn it off. This can be cool for fadeouts transitioning parts but mostly its infuriating. Nels Cline made a similar argument for the DD3 on his gear geek section on his site because it actually calms down pretty fast when you turn it off.
  6. It was only an hour and forty some odd minutes, 1:50 max. Maybe you needed more strawberry cough.
  7. Loved it, seemed to have some Biblical motifs. Michal Cain-loveable as always.
  8. But fortunately we have no Nirvana reunion to destroy our ability to romanticize them. Meanwhile listen to Radio Friendly Unit Shifter, Floyd the Barber, Something in the Way or Milk It. Not all of Nirvana's material draws from the Pixies. I love the Pixies, but I don't think they could do what The Decemberists do. Colbert needs to listen to the Crane Wife, and Doolittle one more time and then enjoy an apple and an orange.
  9. Ah then you are new to the all to familiar Jeff vs. Jay arguments, or perhaps you would enjoy a more obscure Kotche vs. Koomer contest, or the more classic viachicago.org argument Tweedy vs. Farrar, but there is more space in the Bach vs. Sansone battles. The trouble is everyone wants Leroy for an uncle and Pat for a little brother so they have a hard time imagining death matches or comparing musical prowess.
  10. Well, they said it would be more concise, which I think throws epic out the window. I find AGIB is an enjoyably long experience but who can get mad if Wilco crams the hits and spares not a moment in a traditional LP length album?
  11. The revamped, building ho-down version of sunken treasure they were doing in 2006 was so much more awesome to me then the trad. BT version. At least in the live sense. As a matter of fact, you got an mp3 of that one froggie?
  12. ole'! You do your research, not such a newby after all.
  13. Well the Holy Grail is digital, but the interesting thing is a lot of analog lovers still use it. It's really hard to get a pedal that does delay, or reverb thats not digital without spending absurd amounts of money, and even the digital ones fall between one and two hundred bucks. Neil Young uses the reverb on his awesome Fender amp which is a spring reverb. The holy grail is common enough you can walk into a guitar shop and try it out, see what you think. It tricks me.
  14. Well Tweedy's got a more ideal situation then most of us, he's running his acoustic through more then one channel, he splits the signal. So the dry signal is always going while the one going through the sweet reverb pedal is usually shut off by the volume pedal being in the off position. He eases it forward to introduce the echo in a second channel going through the PA. Nonetheless if you just check out a Holy Grail or a Boss Delay/Reverb you can probably get it to taste using the more common on/off procedure as opposed to the fancy mix in with volume pedal method.
  15. Anyone notice you gotta be on a waiting list for these things now theyre so dang popular.
  16. If I recall he just feeds his acoustic through an Electro Harmonix Holy Grail (reverb), probably on the 'Hall' setting, he runs a dry signal constantly and then mixes in reverb using a volume pedal.
  17. does it make you a dork if you are unconcioiusly bobbing your head in front of youtube's two inch screen on your computer?
  18. M. Ward-Post War Paul McCartney-Ram Van Morrison-Astral Weeks Neko Case-Fox Confessor Brings the Flood Nick Drake-Pink Moon Slayer-South of Heaven (whatever suits your mood)
  19. certainly in this winter of Wilco silence waiting for the next album with little fodder for gossip and pointless argument the via chicago board would thrive off of the release of the long anticipated banter compilation. And whats sad is I am not joking, there is nothing new on the net these weeks.
  20. So I just saw Nels play a solo set at the coolest record store in the suburbs of Denver (Arvada if ya ever heard of it). It was great. His amp had technical difficulties, so eventually he had to plug in to the record stores ancient PA speaker. Somehow this made the whole thing awesomer. He started out playing really textural anti-guitar stuff, and then slowly moved into some more virtuoso jazzy/pretty stuff, and eventually winded his way into some noise. Super nice guy, I couldn't resist chatting with him, what with the fifteen people that were there for the in-store. He said the new Wi
  21. So if your hip on different models of samplers heres what I am interested in getting (not knowing if it exists or if these specifications are common) One that can: Play pre recorded samples between fifteen seconds and a minute or so (and loop them if possible). Be controlled by feet if at all possible (if not I will just use loops and throw them in and cut them out with a volume pedal). Cost less then two hundred dollars on Ebay. (if possible) In short I am handy in the studio, and a guitarist/singer, looking to spice up the sound of my mostly rock band at key moments without stopping the
  22. Thats also one of the best sounding mic preamps out there. I am sure you already saw the pricetag. Thats a smart idea though, if youre only using 1-3 mic's why use standard live mixing board pre's, when you can throw two very gorgeous sounding mic pre's up.
  23. If you wanna keep it fresh, never use the term 'alt-country', and only use the word rehab in passing. Oh yeah and maybe only use the words reprise records in passing. These things are all pretty well worn. Maybe get some kind of Tweedy=ubermench thing with some Nietzche quotes, thats pretty college. (excuse my impossible german, last relative hit the docks here a century ago).
  24. you could always not go until they put out a new album. Which reminds me I need to put a post on the My Morning Jacket and Radiohead fanboards about how tired I am of them playing the same songs and tell everybody why they shouldn't be excited for the show.
  25. Thats true, have you ever seen his Pat Boone impression. Yeesh.
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