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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. How dare you condescend to me just cause I thought I didn't like it even though I never heard it. But seriously, (sorry too much monkeying around ) does it have the overcompressed vocal sound and trite lyrics that undermined his last effort, because I would guess it contains the literate and imaginative arrangements for a somewhat vast array of instruments his last effort did as well.
  2. I believe the end of the wonderfully spacious solo on "Hell is Chrome", but I may be wrong on that.
  3. yeah me too, check out the 9:30 webcast version. Its starting to get that tight interlocking feel between musicians, very intimate a la AGIB.
  4. Yeah thanks a bunch, that made for an enjoyable saturday morning.
  5. Good to know that music fandom, discussion, criticism etc. is not completely overrun by insecure folks who get really upset when you don't take their feelings into account. Really were all strangers/friends here, whose gonna get hurt. Jay Bennett solo sucks ass, the drone rules you just arent patient enough, AM is the most overrate pile of plastic on this board. (See that was about as in your face as I can be, it might not provoke an interesting discussion, but really if you disagree with any of my overstated opinions does it really hurt your feelings, is it disrespectful to play the dozens
  6. But wait, Its Just That Simple is one of the worst songs, and Pet Sounds is a great album, and I never thought it made me cool (beach boys is really pretty dorky). There is however a new Autumn Defense out soon, you can hear him sing a lot of soft rock without anyone else shaping his ideas (except perhaps for the ever versatile Sansone).
  7. Don't proliferate that shit. If were scared thats when the badguys won.
  8. thats allright wheelco you started with a somewhat cheesy publication but youll be workin under David Fricke before long.
  9. I have seen this thing go back and forth on this board for a year, and I can't help but get involved everytime. To be really impartial (as if thats possible, you may already know who I favor) stack up the Geraldine Fibbers, or the Nels Cline Singers against ANY Jay Bennett solo release. I will tell you what I think about that contest, but I want to hear your opinions first.
  10. Yeah, no one has to respect it. But there is a fairly legitimate way to decide the weight of criticism (one of the very few things I learned in college): 1. Does it make a clear statement about what it describes, and 2. does it site evidence to support its statement. Rolling Stone still has some great journalism in it, it unfortunately also has a rundown of the hottest new looks and all the gossip you might want on Courtney Love and Pamela Anderson. As far as I am trying.... I hope someone can reccomend another rock doc, with as much of an intimate view of the creative process. (Don't Loo
  11. Man I can't help but wonder if this thread has drummed up business for Crowther, or if Spiders (kidsmoke) has drummed up business for them. I even want to buy one, I dont want to be a trendy gear sheep, but they just sound so good. Damnit.
  12. Not to be rude, but an ovation is hardly an acoustic. They make that shit outta plastic. To each their own I suppose but I go for that aged wood, kinda martin or gibson sound. But hell Melissa Ethridge loves those plastic backed Ovations and she has had a lot more success then I.
  13. Did that little article seem borderline tabloid? I know for a fact many people have discussed their fears about the new material, or that mental health could detract from the next record (a weird and still controversial subject I wont rekindle) but shit, no one is getting published. Were just on a board talking, it seems kind of harsh. That and it felt like whatever Stiratt said was like a second hand quote delivered with no context. As if John would really go "Oh yeah random paper, I talked to starboy Tweedy the other day, and hes freaked his music is gonna suck. But hey I dont want him
  14. So I was working on some design stuff and I was stuck and I get alot inspiration from the picturebox people cause everything they do is both conceptual and esthetically pleasing (thats a whole nother thread). And I noticed on one of the writing credits (I think Hell is Chrome, but I dont have it in front of me) there is an AGIB song cowritten by Girard. Who is this man or woman and how did they end up contributing to an AGIB song?
  15. Allright I got two versions here from about a year apart, to settle it in fairness: the one from phili is a better version, froggie you got a better recording though. Thanks folks, hopefully they do it next time I see em.
  16. I'd give it to you, if they were looking for another multi instrumentalist who could do as much, but on guitar alone I don't know if Bennett's quite as strong of a personality. (sorry rehash, Cline/Bennett debate a'la the last year on here)
  17. Thats why everyone always says 'We Love You Froggie!' Best Aussie around.
  18. I was about to ask if I was the only one who thought that was the weakest song. Its the only one that made me go "uh oh". But really folks, whether we know what the album will be like, whether we agree, whether its gonna rule, lets not get so scared we treat each other like garbage. Whether you hate or love wilco, I love you VC (except for those who are smug and those that think my least favorite wilco album is the best one)
  19. Theres been alot of talk how its a top drawer wilco song that hasn't gotten alotta love live. Seeing as theyve done it recently and I've never heard it in full Cline/Sansone glory I was just wondering if anyone could share it?
  20. This song totally rules. Don't yall love seventies rock? But seriously I feel bad that so many VC'ers are already hating an album that hasn't come out, not knowing the songs that will be on it. But on the other side of it, I think alot of the stuff we have been hearing is pretty well established in the studio already, so there might not be all that much more processing before the songs are finalized.
  21. Take the blue eyed soul and seventies rock influences prevalent on the new material theyre plaing live and insert the sonic disturbances of YHFT and AGIB, selectively culling from the studio noise freakouts of YHFT and the minimalist live guitar/percussion textures of AGIB.
  22. Ole'! Offensive thread......dont spill your juice, were gonna be alirght.
  23. Hey now, that one guy heard someone yell it at a show he saw five years ago. Here how bout this: Anyone ask for or play 'Don't Fear the Reaper', or 'Freebird' at the last three Wilco shows, the M. Ward shows, or the Beck show. Anyone? How did that make you feel.
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