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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. You'll have to excuse some of us who are less accustomed to communicating in smilies. Although your ninja has enriched your statement quite cutely.
  2. More time and money than the actual band, the label that puts it out and the actual studio that has refined the art of recording it? Tapers are intelligent, tech savy and we have already agreed valuable. But lets not forget that they are also hobbysists, and furthermore fans like the rest of us. But oh wait, is that smiley face for sarcasm? If so I agree with you, if not see above. Sorry.
  3. I don't think it holds up. (I'm just being sporting here cause its a slow sunday). I would say the mp3 version is like getting the novel in columns on news print as opposed to a nice bound high resolution print. Same info, lower quality, cheaper, faster, higher accesibility, less clarity. It all strikes me as odd considering Wilco and My Morning Jacket (two highly bootleged/traded bands) have mp3's posted on official myspace sites. Record labels stream mp3's of expensive studio recordings. Why is it the tapers get more worked up than studio engineers, record labels, and rock bands?
  4. I believe it was produced by Wilco and mixed by Jim O'Rourke and probably engineered by that Chris Brickley (????) I think thats his name, who helped with YHF. Mike Jorgensen would have engineered too, but I remember him saying it was too exhausting to work both ends of the process.
  5. Stop toying with our emotions. Has anyone actually heard it?!
  6. I totally agree with everything your saying and respect your argument. Except, I just won't ever be able to get mad at someone for converting, if I ever feel like getting FLAC files I will, but so many people have hooked me up with great material on mp3 and I am thankful to them. As I am thankful for tapers, and bit torrents.
  7. So wait, wait, you guys have REALLY ALREADY HEARD SKY BLUE SKY? how did this happen? What is oink? I don't understand.
  8. Well tapers often put their stuff up in the best format, yes, of course they are trying to preserve their work. They should not be asked to stop, but perhaps our argument finds its synthesis here: Tapers do us all a favor (i mean what a terrible way to half to watch a show, monitoring gear etc.), and the higher quality files do the serious audiophiles a service, maybe these people have folder after folder tracing the many colored sets of the end of the AGIB tour. Why not? But meanwhile, people who convert those things into mp3's and make them available do another type a listener (ones lik
  9. Here I heroically jump into this way late in the game but...... for you audiophile FLAC nazi's can't you usually find an unpolluted non-mp3 version anyways? So if someone 'pollutes' the trading pool with mp3's dont take them. They're easy to use and share and I am really sorry, tapers I love what you do, but a couple of fancy condensor microphones in the crowd doesn't really physically put me there. I've heard some pretty okay taper recordings, but they don't lose a whole lot of charm in the mp3 format, we're not dealing with Sear Sound recordings here.
  10. Yeah I don't know about safety. They disrupted alt-country precedent with a sprawling eclectic tribute to all things classic in rock, then they threw open the gate to studio magic and chamber pop, then they deconstructed themselves with noise disruptions, then they forced themselves into an almost jazz-like liveness in the studio with much more organic, almost impressionist songs, now they try to make something classic, concise. A return to form seems rather unsafe from the misgivings of this board...... hell, even Radiohead is interested in guitars again.
  11. My dad listens to Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. If you're older, your dad could have been all about Bo Diddly and Chuck Berry. I learned alot about rock from my dad and I turned him on to Wilco. In my world Sky Blue Sky might end up being Dad rock in the coolest way.
  12. The really good news is the fact that they're mastering it means that there will be finalized, final, definitely done tracks. We might see them up on the roadcase on wilcoworld or some corporate slob from the mail room at the label will sneak them on the internet. Then we can continue to argue about an album that has not been released only our arguments will be well informed.
  13. Dont despair yet, you haven't heard it. Who knows maybe us optimists will be dissapointed and the naysayers will be suprised with deep love for the thing. Ya never, never know...
  14. I bet its different, they haven't played it in almost a year, and probably didn't perform it for at least five or six months before they started recording. All it would take is the perfect little tweak.
  15. This thread has become entirely to pretentious and intellectual for me.
  16. So your comments in no way endorse the eagles or eagle related tunesmithing.
  17. From the authoratative moustache under you piercing eyes, and the award you have received from the planetary husband appreciation network.
  18. Yeah, I cant figure out how despite the massive success of 'Express Yourself', Charles Wright is often omitted from the list of classic soul performers.
  19. Ooh that makes for a great Freudian slip in my endless maze of clauses and commas. No I meant its not cause I adore Tweedy more then Soul Asylum or the Jayhawks, but just cause those particular songs really sound like better songs to me. Only your opinion is the truth, I just try. Also truth. Ask Callahan or Plato, higher form of the good for sure.
  20. Its funny I think I have a different space for Golden Smog in my brain. I thought Another Fine Day had a higher hits to misses ratio then Weird Tales. I dont think they have to have Tweedy to do well (a couple of the new records songs without him are pretty alright) but so far the songs he has sung on have just been better written. I swear its not a Tweedy bias, just the truth. Kinda like how Collin Meloy makes for the best moment on Minus 5's gun album.
  21. I'd say its at least four gems, hugged warmly with bland. But then again Golden Smog bland on this disc is better then bland on others.
  22. By this you mean there might even be reverb on the album? One who takes interest in these production matters has to marvel at how gorgeously dry and small AGIB often sounds, its as if they are playing in your bedroom through tiny amps with a t-shirt over the snare drum.
  23. ooooh yeah, In a Future Age, the MOST UNDERATED WILCO SONG EVER!!! in caps.
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