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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Nice - you should use that one to lull your baby to sleep. That's what I did.
  2. Lou, I love to freak out. I guess I'll be grabbing this one as well. Very cool.
  3. Innaresting. I haven't been over at the PT board for some time, maybe I should look and see. This would be very cool if this was to happen. EDIT: Happy Birthday Billy! 62 today (5/7)
  4. There's no way in hell I'm going back to read all of this gibberish, but I thought we had a ruling for you people in the Southern Hemisphere. I think for you Mr. Dundee it's supposed to be: SBS AGIB YHF ST BT AM You're welcome.
  5. Welcome, afterthefact. I hope you enjoy this place. In general people are pretty kind. I do need to ask one question, and give one bit of advice. 1) What's your opinion of the Dead/Garcia? (this is crucial) 2) Be sure never to mention the band with the phonetically phunny name by name, especially if you're a phan. It can save you much future grief. Cheers, MB
  6. No problem. Manufacturing Consent is a really good one - I'll have to check the others out. Thanks for the link.
  7. Hey THDW, have you read "The Assault On Reason"? I thought it was pretty spot-on, although it sometimes reads like a college thesis (wtf, most of Gore's stuff does). I'm guessing you'd like it.
  8. 1,253,000 votes - HRC by around 22K. Wow guys. That was a mind-blower.
  9. It's down to 4%, with 80% in.
  10. Yeah. I wouldn't try to watch it more than once.
  11. True. Whatever side of the spectrum you're on, being divisive has no place anymore (if it ever did) in this country. Barack just gave a speech in NC, and my wife got pretty choked up. I know in my heart I made the right decision today.
  12. 50% in, HRC by 10. Regarding West - being a prof at both Harvard and Princeton hardly makes him a goofball, even if you don't agree with his philosophy.
  13. I prefer to call it the "Manson/Nixon" line, but that's just me. I think Lou was right - Wright has definitely hurt Barack, especially in states where the overwhelming majority of voters are white. I posed this question to deepsea a week or so ago: would Iowa have been the big win for Barack if the Wright fiasco had come out, say, around NYE? With a 97% white voting public? I kind of doubt it.
  14. I have an unopened box of Maxell XL-IIs. Jusssst sayyyin'.
  15. Seconded. That's one of my favorite things.
  16. 5/6/81 Nassau Coliseum - Dick Latvala "This is the big one! It contains one of the best and most thrilling jams of the last 15 years. "The second set starts well enough, but after He's Gone (dedicated to Bobby Sands) we get something that I don't believe has ever occurred before: a pure jam that lasts about 15-20 minutes and contains the most unbelievable playing. It starts with the clearest example of Caution (without words, of course!) that we have heard since 10/19/74 at Winterland, lasting about 5 minutes. Then things "relax" before diving into another one of the most unique and desir
  17. You should have no problem getting front row at shows with those dudes in tow!
  18. WSQ! Damn, I'm not believing this! "Steppin'" is one of my favorites. No shit.
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