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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. If folks didn't have to try and fit in going to the polls with work wouldn't it follow that turnout would increase? As long as you keep alcohol sales banned until the polls close.
  2. I can't believe no one has mentioned the Dallas - Phiily game last night. To wit: Whitten's catch w/ the helmet coming off etc. Great highlight reel stuff. I thought Madden was going to have an orgasm.
  3. I'm not sure if this is nationwide or not, but I get fairly ticked at the "voter ID" requirement here in Indiana. From what I've heard the ACLU is looking into this here. I have a driver's license so I've never had to go get a voter ID to vote, but wouldn't they have to be free? Even if they were just a buck that would seem to become perilously close to a poll tax imo.
  4. I've never missed one in over 25 years. I know the saying has been beaten to death , but I'll say it anyway: if you don't vote I don't wanna hear your whinin' later.
  5. I think that is the Good Lovin' from 4/17/71. An all-timer for sure. I might have to dig that one out again, but I think the 4/27 Lovelight has Pig playin' matchmaker with people in the audience - hooking up guys and girls. After he gets a few couples "together" he says stuff like, "If your mama don't like it, tell her to write her Congressman! I'm just making suggestions."
  6. Great idea for a thread Pig! We're having a batch tomorrow (it's supposed to get below freezing here). I don't know exactly what the wife puts in it but it's good stuff. Still, I think I'll just print out this sucker!
  7. That's a great one. April '71 really has Pig at the height of his rapping powers - I seem to recall the Lovelight at that show as being really extraordinary.
  8. Happy Birthday! I can't thank you enough for what you do Rob. I was one of those guys who bought DeadBase year after year and to have Wilco's music online in this manner has always been an invaluable resource for me. Kudos!
  9. I'm a tad bit disappointed, but that was a really good game. I felt early on when Indy was in the red zone 3 times and only came away with 2 FGs that it would come back to haunt them and it certainly did.
  10. This is kind of off-topic, but there must be some OCD soul out there who could tell us how many shows in a row ITMWLY has been played. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the song I'm just completely burned out on it at this point.
  11. Incredible. They didn't even list the Vol. 4 Addendum either.
  12. 80 dollars? Are you shittin' me? I can't imagine that they would be out of print. They're less than 10 years old!
  13. I'm fairly certain that Kidd Candelario recorded those. I'll edit this post if I find different info.
  14. Oh hell yeah. I don't think I've heard anything from June '74 that isn't excellent. That DP that was a combo of 6/26 & 6/28 might be my favorite of the entire series. The 5 cd set that was the soundtrack for the GD movie is consistently mind-blowing as well.
  15. 67 votes is a REAL tough nut, anytime. I guess the hope is (for me, at least) that those Republicans who continue to blindly follow this President will get swept out in another year and by then the Dems will have an overwhelming majority. It's really hard to speculate of course, but this Administration could destroy their party for an entire generation.
  16. Ahhh...I see you suffer from having the "completist gene" too.
  17. Eyes is sort an exception to most of the Dead catalogue in that it was a powerhouse right from the very beginning and never got any better than those '73-'74 versions. After Mickey rejoined and especially after they sped the tempo up it was never as good imo. The version from 6/10/73 is probably my favorite.
  18. Yeah, it says something. Two words - Big Brother. I keed. Seriously though, I am REAL disappointed by this news regarding Chuck Schumer. He was the guy who really got in Gonzales' face. I think Pat Leahy should have a little talk with him.
  19. Wow! That's some pretty heavy duty praise there. I'd say Neil's SNL performance was possibly the best music on TV I've ever seen.
  20. Yeah! I wore the cassettes of this show out. I'm not really crazy about the '92-'95 stuff either but that's a REAL good one. The 9/22/93 with David Murray (of WSQ fame) is very worthy too if you've never heard it.
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