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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. You went to a strip bar at 19? Must have been a good fake I.D.! Hell, I got carded for booze until I was in my early thirties.
  2. Have a great day Mende! Thanks for all the music and friendship.
  3. Many kudos to you all. I'd love to see this sometime. Come to Indy!
  4. Man, I couldn't be more disappointed. I really really thought Hatch and Grassley would make this thing happen.
  5. Oh yeah, I was aware of that. In fact, when I was a younger guy that kinda was a revelation for me - that if you were religious you didn't have to be a teetotaler. I think those dudes always enjoyed a pint of Guinness.
  6. My son brought home a book a couple of years ago by a Presbyterian minister (if I recall correctly) that tore apart Bono's lyrics and found Bible passages that corresponded to them. Pretentious, perhaps, but I found it to be an intersting read.
  7. Happy Birfday fellow Hoosier! Hope today is a good one!
  8. Ahem... http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=29776
  9. We'll know for sure when SBS wins teh Grammy and JT gets up and mentions "my personal savior Jesus Christ". Or not.
  10. I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I liked Unforgettable Fire better. Not by much though.
  11. Never had the pumpkin, but I'm drinking a Mad Hatter right now!
  12. Man, if someone could photoshop SkyKev's face onto the SkyGod pic that would be the most awesome thing in internet history.
  13. My bad. I had always just assumed the SkyGod would have a female form.
  14. Happy Birfday to His Weirdness! Nightfall of Diamonds - the Oct. 16, 1989 show is a great official release. The band is enjoying their last great period and had only a week before broke out Dark Star (which also appears on this show).
  15. Actually, that one and LZ I are my favorites.
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