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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I'm so glad you girls said this. I literally could not wait to get home to say the same thing. There was a press conference today with some Senators... Max Baucus, Harry Reed etc. were there. But here's where it got innaresting - Chuck Grassley & Orrin Hatch came out to say they were going to make some calls & twist some arms of their fellow Reps in the House. Orrin-freaking-Hatch kids! One of the most notoriously conservative dudes in Congress is bucking W saying it's a huge mistake vetoing the bill. I almost shat myself! I think it's a good chance we're gonna override this thing!
  2. I can't stress how important it is to get 25 more Reps to vote for the override. The Senate already has enough to override.
  3. Sounds like Molly has invaded the Middle School. Hug lines?
  4. All the best to your family. We went through this right about a year ago with my wife's granny (also 89). Take care. {{{{{ midwest vibes }}}}}
  5. You cannot go wrong with a Viola triple-decker sammich!
  6. Check out Charlie's myspace page. Pure gold, I tell ya: http://www.joesportsfan.com/mediaspace/?id=14
  7. Damn Warner that's too bad. Thanks for trying though. I was wondering how your second attempt came out.
  8. Good luck Kate! I'm proud of you. One thing I noticed the other day when S-CHIP came up for the vote in the Senate: the final vote was, I believe, 67-29 in favor of expansion. In the House I think they had 265 votes for (25 less than needed to override a veto). Anyway, I'm thinking to myself "How in God's name could someone vote against this?" And then I came to a realization...some of the funding (supposedly) is to come from a $1 per pack increase in the cigarette tax. Many who voted against the S-CHIP just happened to be folks who represent the tobacco producing states. Hmmm. Did the lo
  9. Please post a review at your convenience. Have a good time!
  10. Cool. My Dad took me to the theatre to see that. I was hooked for life afterwards. I actually had a Yellow Submarine lunch box in grade school. Wish I still had that...might be worth some coin now.
  11. Oh My Sweet Jesus! I hope someone in the area makes that. Good to see many familiar names there. Barry Barnes in particular is a very nice guy. When a NRPS trading group started up online he sent me some of the best stuff! Damn, I'd love to make that.
  12. That might be the most important point of all. The fact that W was reelected is the most mind-boggling part of the issue. It truly broke the spirit of many. I agree. A really great read imo.
  13. Put a greasy black wig on his head, a copy of the White Album in one hand & a bible in the other. Presto! Charles Manson, Jr.! Cheap, yet effective...he'll be the hit of the party!
  14. For my money that is the best thing EC has ever put out (post-Cream).
  15. Knopfler is kind of a rarity in the rock world. He's actually aged gracefully & continues to put out good stuff. I'd like to hear this new one soon. I hold him in very high regard.
  16. You could very well be right. I watched an interview with Marvin Kalb talking with Couric last night & they discussed this thing at length. Very interesting. They seemed to intimate that Dan was so busy with the hoopla of the campaign that certain parts were left trusted to other people to check. Seeing how Katie now heads up the news division of CBS she was probably just spouting the corporate "party line".
  17. $70 million seems like alot of money. But there's no question in my mind that Rather was given a raw deal. It's painfully obvious that in the lead up to the war (and actually during all of Bush's first term) that the networks were so caught up in some sort of patriotic fervor that they really missed the boat in regards to reporting what was really going on. Shame on Dan for not dotting his i's & crossing his t's with the Texas Air National Guard story. But I still think he got screwed over. And who could argue that the Abu Grahib incident isn't the biggest foriegn policy black eye of our
  18. I saw that tour (Deer Creek). I enjoyed it quite a bit. Interesting aside - when we got to the show I had no idea who, if anyone, was the opener. I was hoping for no opener of course. Well, this band comes out...something called "Whiskeytown". Oh no. But those guys really impressed me. It was easy to hear that they were gonna be a good band even though I was completely unfamiliar with their music.
  19. Yep. I know I've mentioned this before (and it's not just a music doc) but "It Was Twenty Years Ago Today" is just one of my very favorite docs ever. Essential viewing.
  20. Happy Birfday man! You know, a young man ain't got nothin' in the world these days.. Here's something to get the ol' ticker going: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqRytQospMA
  21. I'm a fan of this one. When Jeff sings "I don't think you even understaaaaand" it gets me every time for some reason.
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