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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. The Allman Brothers Band- Live at Ludlow Garage 1970 Mountain Jam!
  2. 20 million people want to see Zeppelin. I dunno...maybe this should tell the guys something! ::keeping fingers crossed::
  3. Birfday wishes to you from the heart of hoosierland!
  4. Wow I hope they save some of this for next week!
  5. Here's some acoustic Jackie Greene/PL to whet your appetites:
  6. I'll respectfully disagree here. The LPs themselves were certainly nothing to write home about, but I saw NY w/ the Harvesters, the Shocking Pinks, and the Bluenotes back then & it was pretty damn good. I saw a version of Ordinary People in '88 & it just blew me away! It'll be nice to have a clean take on this, as the live version I have from that show is just ok quality.
  7. Shit man, my lady could crash the server. Pocahontas Marcos!
  8. Yeah, we must be gettin' close...a Pacer (Shawne Williams) has already been popped for drugs.
  9. I've said it before: if Cream can get back together, then anything is possible.
  10. That first set of encores looks like the shit. Man I hope some of this shows up in Louisville!
  11. That's a very good point. IMO it's way more important to have folks you get along with than someone that's a killer player but you can't stand to be around. Plus, people's musical tastes are important too. You really don't want to get stuck playing stuff you don't love or else it's just like going to work at a job you despise...not good. Best of luck Sarah!
  12. I've never understood some people's aversion to fusion. What is it, when somebody has such chops they can play stuff that you'll never be able to play in a million years does it piss you off? (no, not you Lou) I was weaned on Bitches Brew & Weather Report. Joe Z. was one of the great great musicians of my lifetime, and I know I'll miss him alot.
  13. I was asleep when Michelle woke me up saying "A plane just hit the WTC!". I told her that I'd check it out when I got up. She then came back in just a few minutes later crying her eyes out.."We're being attacked!". I then got up & went to the TV & I think for a good hour all I could say was "Oh my God". It still chills me to think about that moment. Things have never been the same since. For a time (however brief) it was great how everyone seemed to come together. I always think about those first responders & how brave they were/are. People like that make me proud. I have nothi
  14. Donna, those pics are excellent! I'm getting keyed up now...just another 10 days until the next show for us here.
  15. I don't know if I've ever done that, but that thread was one I'm not likely to ever forget!
  16. There is a related thread on this topic already: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...=23228&st=0 Just trying to help out.
  17. Did Basil II send you a package? That sounds right up his alley. In regards to the Moon book, it's a quick read. You'd probably knock it out in a day.
  18. It's gonna be a long year. ND could easily be 2-6 after 8 games.
  19. yeah, check this out: Moon's been dead nearly as long as he was alive.
  20. I believe that to be true. There's a million message boards one could be on right now. Speaking for myself, I'm not only here because of the band, but also because of the people that are here. WW, I hope everything works out for the best in what is a very difficult situation.
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