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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Happy Birfday Tracy! Hugs & best wishes from the Great MidWest!
  2. Canal Street Tavern. Love the live music at that place.
  3. Your boy Mr. Snider & my boy Mr. Fishman are supposed to be there!!
  4. I hear ya there. Last summer when the garbage dudes came around one of the neighbors trash bags tore open & guess what? Meth lab fixins fell out. I could literally hit that house with a rock from my place...it was that damn close. I'm a 'live & let live' kind of guy but I HATE that shit.
  5. Not surprisingly, I'm a big fan of Matt Taibbi. His undercover 'expose'' of the Santorum campaign was priceless.
  6. Hello there.....it's me again, THE CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER. Forget all about Hubbard, you need to pay alot of money to L. Ron Hoover at the First Church of Appliantology.
  7. HAH! I'm gonna get you so drunk! Have a great day kiddo
  8. How did I forget that one! Hell, that's one of his best from any era.
  9. Dan that's so on the money. I've never had any qualms about paying taxes if I could be assured that the $$$ were going to health, education, welfare etc. It's not just some cliche' that 'the greatness of a nation is determined by how they treat the least fortunate'. More than any other event on the domestic front in the past 2 years Katrina has been a disaster for the Republican Party because it has fanned the flames of the old adage that "Republicans don't care about the people" (whether that's true or not).
  10. Live music on T.V. is a wierd deal, especially when the band playing doesn't rely on dramatic gestures to get the song across. Neil can pull it off but not many do.
  11. I can't believe how this song has grown on me. Moreso than any of the others, this one took quite awhile for me to dig. But now there it is. I'm diggin' it.
  12. A top 5 Dylan album for me. I know that's saying alot, but that LP came out at just the right time. Perfect for the Ray-Gun years.
  13. Pretty cool that by the time they go on it will be my kid's b-day. Nice first present.
  14. Oh hell yes! One of my favorite rhymes of Bob's during this period: What can I sat about Claudette? Ain't seen her since January She could be respectably married Or runnin' a whorehouse in Buenos Aires I'll add License To Kill...a big favorite of mine (and one I can play & sing w/o the lyrics in front of me )
  15. I got shorted on my paycheck this week & when I called the payroll person she said that rather than just cut me a check for the missing $$$ now, that I'd have to wait until the next pay period because "I'd have to run the whole payroll over again & it's just too much trouble". Bitch be f'ckin' with my beer money...this could get nasty.
  16. What about pot smoke? Doncha just hate it when people smoke pot at Wilco shows? So so annoying...
  17. The Doors have their share of clunkers, but they also have a number of tunes that are as powerful as anything ever heard in rock music. I have no idea how someone could hear Light My Fire & not realize what a unique sounding song that it is. I won't even discuss the merits of Jimi. I could blah blah all day on how amazing he is.
  18. I had a dream once where Jeff was my little brother & I had to occasionally smack him around to keep him "in line". Or maybe it was just for my own amusement. Edit: j/k. I don't dream.
  19. Why get your dander up? Even professionals have an off-night now & then. Too bad the band doesn't allow SBD patches. Then we'd know for sure. "The tapes don't lie".
  20. I saw the show at Deer Creek Sunday night & it was just a wonderful time. The setlist was nearly the same as the one El P posted ( with a couple of exceptions) but that wasn't what the night was about for me. Counting the (sober) wives, there were 15 of my closest friends sitting together out on the lawn for this show. A half-dozen of us were the "Rush heads" (back in the '70's) in my little town of 9000. We saw the tours together from '78-'82 & everyone was able to make it. My pal Garcia even came all the way from SC to be there! To have your oldest buddies all hanging together, sin
  21. You're feeling a little spiky today, aren't you?
  22. Wierd...I just pulled that out for a listen the other day. Pembroke Pines, I believe. Nice show, but possibly the most fouled-up transition back into the Playin' Reprise I've ever heard. Check it out & see if you don't agree.
  23. Yep. He's like some wierd combination of a bad used car salesman & a holy-roller preacher. I'm pretty certain if he had his way his whole beautiful state would be razed for "exploration".
  24. I think you're absolutely right. 8,500 seater...sold out!
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