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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Just for you anal-retentive geeks like myself: today was the 35th anniversary of the legendary "Field Trip" in Oregon. I'll think I'll watch some of teh DVD before bedtime. Mucho Garcias to you who turned me on to the vid. You know who you are.
  2. Translation: I'm guilty as hell. This is sick-making, but would you expect anything less?
  3. Best news on a monday morning in a long time. I hope that somewhere Chuck Schumer is lighting up a big Auerbach-style cigar!
  4. Excellent! I hope you guys have the time of your life. Some of the best shows I've ever seen were ones that I took one or more of my kiddos to. Wilco will be a GREAT way to start off a concert career.
  5. Happy Belated man!! Hope it was as spectacular as the song which is your namesake!
  6. ...on a sea of air! Wow, I hadn't thought about that record in a very long time. Nice call.
  7. I'm sorry I watched that. Goddamn what a pathetic human being. It must make a man awful angry when he realizes that his career has been over for 25+ years & where he once filled arenas he can now barely fill clubs. Sick-making.
  8. Since I'm getting psyched for the concert tomorrow, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Rush--Xanadu and/or Cygnus X-1. One of the best cross-pollinations of Prog & Metal there is out there.
  9. Happy birthday Jeff! I vaguely remember being 40. That was about the time your music began drilling me to the floor. So thanks for that!
  10. Nantucket Sleighride is a grrreat tune! I have a live compilation LP of Atlanta Pop/Isle of Wight that has Mountain doing a 16 minute take on Stormy Monday that kills as well.
  11. Driver's Ed here now costs in the neighborhood of $300-400.
  12. My parents had an old beat-up '71 Pinto Runabout (lovingly referred to as "The Thrasher") that my friends & I would steal when it was possible to do so. The gearshift had broken at some point & there was a vise grip attached so you could shift. Plus, every time you would let go of the steering wheel it would veer HARD left. That thing was a true party wagon! I occasionally get uptight in heavy traffic anymore (like when going to the big cities). There are just SO many more cars on the road now than there were 30 years ago when I started driving. I'm so glad I live in the middle of n
  13. I will second (or third) Leo's post. I couldn't say it any better. I think the thing is that most people simply do not have the time in today's fast-paced world to do the emotional fine-tooth combing that is necessary to get to the root of the problems that are bothering them. Not to mention the pain that can come up as a result of heavy therapy. I can only wish you the best. I personally have found things like yoga & TM to be very beneficial. If you're so inclined that certainly can't hurt.
  14. That is incredible. A bit scary too.
  15. That's a spot on post Tug. I've often wondered the same thing. In other news, today began a media blitz with commercials (featuring the surviving families of dead soldiers) basically saying that we MUST stay & finish the job, our security depends on it, if we leave now we 'embolden the enemy' & all that. I swear I turned on the 6 o'clock news tonight & in one half hour of programming every commercial break had one of these spots. 3 of 'em in 30 minutes. Good lord this makes me sick.
  16. David Nelson Band--8/20/00 Canal Street Tavern, Dayton OH SBD With the infamous "Drunken Lawyer Rap" !!!
  17. Well, there's always the old-school alternative (which I much prefer). We have a number of us here that have collections-we should just put up want lists on the Reflecting forum & trade with each other. Much more fun imo...I've made many good friends this way.
  18. Robert you know how I feel. Hang in there my brother.
  19. The Clifford Ball--Plattsburgh, NY 8/16/96
  20. I caught one of the '03 shows here. At least Bob did a mini-set w/ the Dead, but it wasn't too great. Also, when the Dead SBDs came out, they were mysteriously missing Bob sitting in with the band.
  21. I totally agree with this post. Right on the money. I've buried friends in the last few years from overdoing stuff like this.
  22. Boots! Nice pics of Dylan, dude! The kiddos are sooo great at that age. Here's some things I am happy about: I NEVER run out of beer on Sundays! My kids have grown up to be really good people ( perhaps in spite of me ). My wife has went back to school & is going to do something she loves. All of the friends (both real & e) I've made here...I wouldn't want to try & list 'em for fear of forgetting someone. But you know who you are.
  23. There may be some cringe-worthy lyrics in there, but to me it's all about the riff. A KILLER riff that should always be played at high volume.
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