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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Venus Stopped the Train definitely reminds me of "Isolation" period Lennon.
  2. There's a book by Moonie's personal assistant (Dougal Butler) called "Full Moon" that is one of the funniest biographies I've ever read. Highly recommended.
  3. First play of the season, and Addai goes down...for a minute or two. Whew! No other running back on the team has ever taken a handoff in the NFL. Not a good sign. Goes to show how fragile the idea of a repeat really is.
  4. Welcome to the board! When I read your statement there it made me smile...just the kind of thing that made the band such a wonderful thing to have been able to experience.
  5. DP 16: Might the be the last one officially released w/ T.C. in the band. Amazing segues from Star>O1>Star>UJB Jam>Star. A real 30 minute roller coaster ride. I kinda like the version from earlier in the week (11/2) better but that's just nitpicking. And then after this, it gets better, unbelievably! Stephen>Eleven>Caution>Feedback is just sick as hell.Fillmore Box: 4 takes on DS. You're well familiar with the first night, but imo the 2nd night is my favorite Pig-era show ever! The 2nd set is just incredible..if you're mind doesn't get totally blown you have no pulse.
  6. Wow Poon. One of the very best bands of the past 20 years imo. I hate to hear this.
  7. Although in hindsight it might seem delusional on his part, when Crosby was getting arrested for firearms back in the '80's he always answered the question "why do you have a gun on you?" with the answer "John Lennon". It is amazing that many musicians ( Wilco included) still take time to interact with fans. Unfortunately, the 'obsessed fan' is a kind of occupational hazard for any successful musician...there's a whole lot a people out there with a head full of snakes.
  8. Phil at Red Rocks..man you get all the good stuff out there.
  9. Hey Hummingberg, you should try a thread search here. I read a thing on here once--'Adams vs. Tweedy Celebrity Death Match' that was funny as hell.
  10. It's just about perfect, isn't it? So seamless...it's hard to believe that the band wasn't reading charts.
  11. Yeah. According to WilcoBase it hadn't been played live in 7 years (until this tour). OK song...it sounds like a song that Gov't Mule would tear up!
  12. '73 Playins are just about my favorite pieces of music, ever. Especially from the Fall Tour.
  13. I'd be interested in hearing more about the tramp lady.
  14. Unfortunately, no I did not. I distinctly remember it being aired on TV (MTV?) in about '85 or so though because I went & bought my first VCR at that time for the express purpose of taping the damn thing. Although it probably hasn't aged too well I must have played the soundtrack to that a million times back when I was a kid.
  15. Dear Mr. Lackey, As your assigned represenative, I would like to alert you to the possibilities of the new, improved AARP card. Fantastic discounts await you at a variety of locations, from restaurants to airfare and many many others*! Your form will arrive in the mail shortly. We look forward to serving you. Sincerely, Mr. Bed AARP * Does NOT include discounts on the Dick's Picks series (just kidding man) Have a great day Johnny! I'll catch up with you in December old man!
  16. Nice call man. I need to break that out again. Been a long time. NP: Wilco 6/28/05
  17. Man that looks like a nice set of music! Especially the HTFL>Spiders
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