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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I hope you got to hear the 9/20/74. I played the hell out of that cassette.
  2. I know I've said this many many times in other threads, but man if these guys would mix it up to the point where you could go 2-3 shows with no repeats I'd probably try to catch as many shows as I possibly could rather than just once or twice each tour. I'll bet a majority of folks would feel the same. It would seem to be a great revenue-generating idea as well (imo).
  3. {{{{{vibeage from the flatlands!}}}}}
  4. Page? You're kidding. Please tell me you're kidding.
  5. Not to worry. You should ask this question to my friend AWATT (All Wilco All The Time).
  6. Nothing...nothing at all (unless you count live CDs) EDIT: I DO have a very nice JT poster..that counts, right?
  7. If your name isn't Lou or Ara, you've already got two strikes before you ever take the field. Trust me on this.
  8. I know I mentioned David Nelson's version the other day, but the Legion of Mary (see Jerry plays Dylan) does a take on Wicked Messenger that is truly sick. Verrrry slow tempo, but JG shreds the hell out of the song.
  9. Yeah, I get your drift. This is getting dangerously close to Gerry Faust territory now.
  10. Just wondering...how much longer before the Irish fanatics start calling for Charlie Weis' head on a stick. My guess...not long.
  11. I'm looking forward to this! If anyone can direct me to a fine drinking establishment within walking distance of the show it would be much appreciated.
  12. Man, that's a great story. I love reading stuff like this. If you haven't already done so, check out Crow's take on the show in Just A Fan. It's really cool as well. You have to love how approachable & down-to-earth the band is. As Edie said, they're either genuine or incredible actors!
  13. Happy Birfday! One of the best screen names in the bidness!
  14. My take on preaching about peace & love is that it's best left to the preachers to do the preaching. I don't go to rock shows to hear the band talk about their philosophy or whatever. In fact, having a microphone to talk into to the adoring (stoned) masses can come perilously close to fascism. Just play the music & let THAT stand for your viewpoint. An intimate, solo show is quite different for some reason (at least to me). I know I've heard people like Guthrie & Prine tell some wonderful stories onstage between songs... but then that's part of their thing.
  15. Crow, I can't tell you how much it warmed my heart to read this. I am so glad you & the boy had a great time. Not to mention how special that setlist is!
  16. OK, I'm awake now. It's still there. It was late when I read this last night & I wasn't sure if my mind was playing tricks on me or not!
  17. Ahhh now man...go back & give those Summer of the Cow Funk shows a listen again. You can tell me about it over on "the green board".
  18. mountain bed


    I hope that's changed. I always thought Jay's voice was one of the best things about UT.
  19. PigSooie! Man I was hoping you had a good time. Those encores look especially nice!
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