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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I'll bet you're praying he doesn't throw his hat in the ring for Prez UW.
  2. Welcome. Very nice that you've met Wendy and Lou. Two of the good ones!
  3. NP: Fillmore East 9/20/70 (acoustic set). I can't recommend this gem enough, really one of the nicest acoustic sets around...bluegrass-style Big Railroad Blues, a very early Truckin', To Lay Me Down. Nelson sits in on mandolin. Thanks to waggs for this.
  4. Thankfully there's not many ( if any) psychos here that would defend this woman. She's a muckraker of the worst kind.
  5. Hotel Arizona seems like a natural for this lineup. I'd hope that one sneaks back in soon.
  6. I've never warmed up to "Your Mother Should Know". Or "P.S., I Love You".
  7. Dude, that's a Jerry song. OTM from out in left field with "Looking Through You" I gotta go w/ Day In the Life myself.
  8. The Live LP from '80 is a pretty fine live record. The version of Superman on that record is great for crankin' up the speakers. And Low Budget too.
  9. Celluloid Heroes is one of my favorite songs of all time. I can't speak highly enough of the band.
  10. Grinnell Radio KDIC 88.5 FM The Deepsea experience
  11. I know it doesn't reach the heights of Plastic Ono or All Things but I've always thought Flaming Pie was a damn good record.
  12. Cool. This sort of confirms what was being discussed in one of those other threads - the longer the lineup stays together the better the chance for the setlists to be mixed up.
  13. Burritos as big as your head!!!
  14. Bobby Douglass Seriously though... Joe Montana.
  15. 40 years ago this week the San Francisco-based group known as The Diggers sponsored an event called "The Death of the Hippy". I hope this doesn't bum out your day. Have a good one!
  16. But didn't Sabbath get their main (musical) inspiration from Cream? On their earliest stuff the instrumental passages remind me a lot of a louder, heavier Cream.
  17. Mods, help!! This guy is talking crazy!
  18. I have no idea wtf you're talking about.
  19. I love 'em to death, but no. I got on the bus & never left.
  20. I think this tune is one of Jeff's finest moments (so far). It seems to encapsulate the whole album in one song to me. Kinda strange though - like many of Dylan's best tunes I seem to know what it means to me without really trying to break it down.
  21. Congrats Wendy! You cannot miss this imo.
  22. Well my python boots were too tight. I couldn't get 'em off last night....
  23. Yeah, I should get the scratch together for this. A really great band.
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