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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Even when it is I still dig it. When you're diving for pearls sometimes you just come up with clams. But we appreciate the effort anyway.
  2. Good call. I LOVE those guys - more than Wilco at this point.
  3. The Ricky Gervais Show makes me laugh as hard as anything I've ever seen.
  4. They're not my favorite band, but as far as consistency goes Zeppelin is hard to match. They never really released a "clunker" (although I'm not too enamored of ITTOD), and I'd be hard-pressed to think of more than 5 of their tunes that I dislike.
  5. "Brent's Funky Scarlet"!! Might be the longest ever, as well. Clocks in at over 35 minutes. I LOVE Fall '79.
  6. Powerage and Let There Be Rock immediately come to mind.
  7. Yep, the ABB has ALWAYS had that going on, whether it was the original recipe, or any other configuration. If you like the Brothers you are most definitely a guitar freak!
  8. The first thing that comes to mind is Whiskeytown opening for John Fogerty. I think it was around '97. I recall saying to my old lady that "these guys are good, they could go places".
  9. Nice to see some love for Bob Weir. The first time I saw the band (12/5/81) he was the thing I remember most about the show. He was REALLY on, and made me realize he was a complete original. That said, he ain't my favorite. That would be Keef.
  10. First thought (obvious thought) - Electric Ladyland, especially side 3.
  11. I saw Big RxR only a few times, and it was always a special first set treat.
  12. Well well well. Look who we have here! So...what do ya think? It's really a BAND in every sense of the word on these shows. So glad I took the plunge. BUT - how in the fuck do they omit 3/29? Criminal, I tell ya.
  13. Pretty sure it's Duke University (without looking it up). The Drums in set 2 are about 30 minutes long and INSANE.
  14. There certainly wasn't a lot of love from the SF bands for that song. Or anything originating from LA, for that matter.
  15. Very moody, "ruminative" first half there. VC to open, Seeds, Wishful Thinking (!), Radio Cure, Miss Me...THAT"S the Wilco I really dig.
  16. I had that 45 when it came out (I was maybe 7, I was a really weird kid). What an amazing thing, huh - the guy who is in a band that does a song called "Journey To The Center Of Your Mind" was an avowed "teetotaler" who allegedly 'never took any drugs'. That just cracks me up for some reason. I guess we'd want to expect our artistic heroes to be above the fray of the real world's mundane concerns but apparently that's never been the case, anyway. There's obviously a few exceptions. But I don't think unless things are directly stated by the artist lyrically that would ever cause me to not enj
  17. Well it was mostly downhill after '85 (or even '75, for that matter), BUT every so often (for SECONDS ON END!) there would be a little visitation of magic and then one would realize why they put some much time, money and energy into following the man around. I have no idea why, and to even discuss it probably can sound silly, but Garcia had the ability to put you in touch with the invisible. How he did this no one knows, but when it happened everyone present knew it.
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