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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Two Dubs!! Hope it was awesome!
  2. A friend told me last night that he heard Mr. TanMan (Boehner) wants an apology for the "library" comment. I kinda understand that it might not have been the thing to say, but Jeesh - does that guy have ANY sense of humor at all?
  3. Highway Star - Deep Purple Long May You Run - Neil Young Manic Mechanic - ZZ Top
  4. I DO remember! And I did shake Bill's hand that night, and just said "Thanks". It's entirely possible we weren't more than a few yards/rows away from each other.
  5. I saw back-to-back nights with the JGB in September '89 and they were excellent shows. Bobby/Rob were awesome as well. The "Don't Let Go" from Alpine on 9/15 was just unbelieveable - Clarence Clemons went as far out on his sax as you will EVER hear him - he was screeching like Anthony Fucking Braxton at one point, and the tune was a good 20+ minutes long. I walked up that long steep hill after the show feeling more inspired than I had in a LONG time.
  6. Lots of great choices so far. Sabbath - War Pigs (Paranoid) Deep Purple - Highway Star (Made In Japan)
  7. Even though it's been on the DVR for months I finally sat down and watched The Story Of Anvil late last night. Very innaresting film. That drummer (Robb Reiner) is a sick sick mother on the drums. I never heard these guys play in their heyday but it really is odd that they never had a major hit record. I thought they sounded pretty damn good.
  8. Thanks for the bump, HH. I was reminded of this over the weekend as well, Lou. I was sorting through a bunch of papers and stuff over the weekend and I came across a nice obit in the Indy Star that my mom clipped out for me. No offense to anyone but things (including the board imo) haven't been the same since Jay passed.
  9. Oh, you. This is an odd album for me, in that when you see the songs performed live they usually SMOKE, but on record they sound kinda tame. I voted for "What Light" just because it always sounds to me like a song Woody would have loved. Simple and direct.
  10. Yes. I LOVE that version. This is a real toughie, but I'll go with Kamera by a nose. Love the lyrics, and I love to play that tune.
  11. Christ. Was her name Mrs. Ted Poe? A couple of other thoughts... 1) Does ANYONE look at the heat as their friend, someone to be trusted? I don't, and neither do my kids. I'm with Mr. H on this. 2) I'm LOLing all over the place about Lammy discussing fire safety. Sorry, LC.
  12. I've always had a respect for Zbig as a big thinker, and this didn't change with the video. So - why am I supposed to pontificate on the supposed repercussions of Barack airing thoughts like these? Just curious.
  13. I spent quite a bit of time reading those tributes to Ronnie last night. Some really heartfelt stuff there. Y'all need to check those out if you haven't already.
  14. Beat me to it! Nice call. Did nobody mention Zep - The Rain Song yet?
  15. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Which is, after all, what it's all about. Cheers, Crow.
  16. Yeah, there are some good tunes on both "Ecstacy" and "Never Say Die" but for the most part I think those redords are a bit more 'spotty' than the others. Actually, I would say "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" doesn't stand up as well as the first 4 (all of which are amazing imo), but "Sabotage" is a different story - I LOVE that record. It could be said that it's a bit over-produced, but damn if Side 1 isn't one of the best sides the band ever recorded. I was a little disappointed with "Live Evil". The production for some reason is just a little odd. Kind of like Rush's "Exit Stage Left". I saw th
  17. For some reason 1967 is dreadfully under-represented in my collection (as is '80 & '83). That 3/18/67 Viola IS rippin', but the Cream Puff War from that show may be the finest I've heard. A real speed-freak version.
  18. Thanks for the link to Trunk's site. Ed is one of the most knowlegeable people around when it comes to this particular genre of music, and it's clear that he thought very highly of RJD.
  19. What, not a fan of Technical Ecstacy or Never Say Die? Me either. Seeing Heaven & Hell (the song) live on that first tour was terrifying. Terrifyingly GREAT, that is.
  20. From what I saw of "Stones In Exile" on Fallon the other night this will be fantastic. Very interesting doc.
  21. Oh NO. Mike, thanks for the heads up. A FB friend posted on this and I was hoping it was a hoax, but I know you've got the right info. This is just terrible news. I was listening to Alice's show very recently, and he said he had spoken with Ronnie and he was in great spirits and in better shape. I think there were dates scheduled for later in the year (Heaven & Hell). I saw Ronnie many times, the best being the Black & Blue Tour of 1980. Best damn hard rock show I ever saw. Ronnie was truly one of the best vocalists in Rock history, and I just loved the guy. This just cuts deep.
  22. Oh yeah. Great combo there. Fripp & Belew - one of the strangest combos of all. I love 'em.
  23. Well well well...I'm sitting here listening to 5/7/77, and I log in to the board and notice you were the last poster in the thread. Synchronicity!
  24. I hope I make it to 50. Whenever I see a calendar and remember that it's really 2010 I just cannot believe that I lived this long.
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