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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Not bad, Winston. Makes me re-think the ineffectiveness of the spanking tactic I used on my kids when then were that age.
  2. Better a mid-life crisis than a late-life crisis or a last- few-minutes-before-you-die crisis.
  3. That group and scene looks whiter than a...well, whiter than a Wilco concert.
  4. Funny, because Katy Perry is a lot like kids: much better seen than heard.
  5. Nope. And I don't care. We take them to plenty of jam-band-y type shows and play tones of that type music around the pad (in addition to old school Rap and Disco and other shit we enjoy) but they have little to no interest in it. Although, last Saturday I woke up at 6 fucking a.m. to the sound of Phish's Farmhouse being cranked at very high volume by my 6 yr old as he was bopping his head and tapping his feet with the 'fridge door open helping himself to a bagel. I couldn't really be too mad at that.
  6. "Mid-life" is roughly based on the average life-span of a human being.
  7. Yep, there was an Aiko that opened that set that is quite good. Spaced that. Never got into Greyfolded. Listened to it once and don't think even the whole way through. Just a little too much for me.
  8. Sounds like you may have actually missed your mid-life crisis if you're well into the back 9 already. After I divorced in '07 I met a 29 yr old who's 12-13 younger than me a couple years later that I'll be marrying this summer. It made the turmoil seem less turmoil-ish. Kind of made a very short ride of any "crisis".
  9. I can listen to any GD show from any year and find enjoyment in at least a good chunk of the show. This isn't an attempt at one-upmanship or any other bullshit in the least, but rather a testament to the band. I personally never understood how folks could ignore/dismiss entire eras/years/whatever. I really like being able to put on a tune or a set or a show from one era to the next back-to-back and dig on the changes in sound, tempo, nuance, whatever. This includes the Vince years, too. There are some really well-played (and often jammy) Corrina's and Long Way To Go Home's, etc. There are hi
  10. Wait I might be thinking of the shitty Pop stuff. Forget it.
  11. The golden age of mainstream pop was the mid-late 70s.
  12. Everybody loves Europe '72! I think Shug's point is only that live albums like Dead Set and Europe '72 are amalgamations of different shows rather than complete shows (warts and all). I know many, many a head who doesn't like the spliced/mix-tape GD stuff simply due to wanting to hear the music in it's entirety.
  13. But think of the extra beer money you'd have if you didn't PURCHASE all of the releases.....
  14. I have a hard time paying for most officially released live material as it's all available for free.
  15. It seems like Xmas directions start getting put up as we near the holidays.
  16. I used to fairly regularly if I had change. I rarely do now, though. The main reason is that they are on so many corners now in Denver that it seems futile to select the "right" one or two people who may most need it. Also, a lot of them work in teams/shifts and pool their money and that annoys me for whatever reason.
  17. Was just gonna post this. My 6 yr old loves the smell. I feel a little awkward when he's with me when I have to gas up, as if I'm the third wheel in some kind of lover's tryst or something.
  18. Abe Vigoda. Smells like a Werther's rolled in dill.
  19. Yeah, kind of singing and playing his solo at the same time. Cool stuff.
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