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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. People beyong the 8th grade listen to The Doors. (sorry MB) Mama Cass choked on a ham sandwich.
  2. You realize there are only 4 teams left competing, right? Jerkface.
  3. I can live with that, being that my rep is dirt anyway around here.
  4. I don't think they'd put him in the rotation if they had a lot of concern about it. His start in the last series came after almost 2 weeks without a start, so some rust was inevitable. I'm thinking he'll be his play-off self Saturday night.
  5. I saw Clarence with JGB a few times and in the late 80s and thought he added some great color/texture/whatever you want to call it to the band. There was plenty of improv-y stuff but he sounded great just adding some depth to a lot of the tunes, imo. Example: "Evangeline" w/JGB (around the 2-min. mark and beyond. Nothing mind-blowing but shit, it sounds nice. Isn't that the bottom line, particularly in a guest spot? And, I actually like those Great Woods shows quite a bit, too.
  6. First post says he was released from the hospital. Can't we assume he's o.k.?
  7. Cool, Sir S. Glad you could be there. Bumping into Gammo is always fun, too.
  8. A lot of the stuff that was done w/ P & F when Chris was with them in the fall and winter of '05 was fantastic, too. Sless and Mookie Siegel were in the band then, too. Lots of highlights in that configuration.
  9. Alright. I said "invented" but I guess I meant popularized/first-to-use with notoriety. Although I think he actually did make his own bass fretless in the early 60s. A-man?
  10. I think Wyman and Charlie Watts worked great together. Not a charismatic guy by any means, but he played well. He invented the fret-less bass, too, iirc.
  11. I hope you have a wonderful day, flick. I hope all your days are. :badger :badger :badger :badger
  12. There's a pretty good chance any team could beat any other team during the regular season, too. It's a game. So maybe there shouldn't be post-season ball. Just give the "best" team a trophy after 162 games....
  13. So what's the alternative to best-of-5?? Best -of-7 all the way through? Best-of-10? Best-of 14? There are only so many days in a year. Best-of 7 might work better like the old days, but there wasn't a Wild Card back then, either. The Wild Card enables more fans' teams to be included. The Cubs were rewarded by being given a chance to fill out a post-season roster with their top 25 producers. If they can't get it done within 5 games, tough nuts. The reason the NYY/BOS are perennial contenders is because they put decent products on the field year-in/year-out. I understand folks get sick of
  14. Hey, anybody with the nickname "Mr. October" can't be jinx. Can he?
  15. And Reggie "Mr. October" Jackson wore #44. So does Jason Bay.
  16. A few more: 8-22-93 Eugene,OR 9-22-93 MSG (most of that MSG run, actually) 3-18-95 Philly 6-23-92 Star Lake, PA 6-14-92 Giants Sta. 5-26-95 Seattle 3-17-93 Cap Center, MD
  17. Some sweet photos from last night's BOS/LAA game (though you can view any of the games) from yahoo. I didn't know they had such great shots until this a.m. Some great pics of the incredible Texeira slide around 82 or so... http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/teams/bos/phot...ston_red_so%3A1
  18. Sarah Silverman, The Great Schlep: http://vimeo.com/1808434
  19. I realize this. Just havin' a little fun.
  20. Cheers, Darkstar! Maybe enjoy oner of these today...
  21. There's no such thing as clutch . It's all luck.
  22. J.D. Drew, ladies and gentlemen. J.D. Drew.
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