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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. What's intangible about requiring more money than you are worth? Skill and/or distraction-wise? Maybe that is intangible, I don't know. I believe that intangibles factor into many areas of the game, though. Again, collectively owners are saying he isn't worth the hassle. Whether this changes mid-season remains to be seen.
  2. You don't believe that the constant media zoo and focus on his allegations and other issues affects other players/staff? As to chemistry, I've read/listened to plenty of professional MLBers/MLB staff who can attest to it. Wouldn't Bonds be playing somewhere right now if his positives outweighed his negatives?
  3. No doubt his bat could likely lend help to a contending team (likely as a DH in the AL) but I just don't see a team willing to sacrifice what he would likely take away from a contending team in terms of the circus that both follows him and is him. I would think he would be more of a distraction and hinderance, even for a short stint, than an asset. There very well may be owners/GMs willing to take that risk, though.
  4. Please. 10-15 years younger than either Iggy or Keith and looks 20 years older than both.
  5. Which team(s) do you think would actually pick him up? Would Bonds even play for a reasonable price? A team may pick him up mid-/late- season but I would not be surprised if he's played his last MLB game.
  6. I'm not surprised at all. What owner in his right mind would welcome the utter mess that Bonds brings with him?
  7. Keith has not looked good since about '78 though. That's longevity, man.
  8. You must not have heard the last Stooges album.
  9. You have the power. I say let this one ride, though.
  10. Keith Richards, of course. Iggy is mortal.
  11. Aardsma just gave up a 3-run homer. 11-8.
  12. Good for him. Nice to see that the efforts were rewarded.
  13. I'm pretty sure their record sales are pretty high up there, but I too recall that the AI contracts can be limiting in comparison to standard music biz contracts.
  14. Fleeting success can draw a considerable amount of money for the singers and whomever they're inked up with, though. I'm not defending the format at all, just that the "music" business aspect in the case of AI is not much different from in the conventional process of signing people.
  15. Here's a link to that SI article on TB: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...0526/index.html
  16. I flew Southwest last month and was surprised to see the general seating deal they're working. It actually worked out pretty well.
  17. Plus, you know what they say about making the SI cover....
  18. Bartolo Colon looked sharp last night :consistant 95 mph fastballs and good breaking balls. Good to see.
  19. Out of 41 people on another site in a weekly contest deal from the top 12 down up to last night I came in dead last.
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