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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. This may come down to you or me winning. Not sure about that. I jumped from 12th to 2nd yesterday.
  2. Getting spanked. I've got Memphis over Kansas for the final. That could put me in the top 10!
  3. Youkilis broke Steve Garvey's record for most consecutive errorless games (194) at 1B the other day: http://www.theday.com/re.aspx?re=c26ba616-...fd-9e5d72e4bdd1
  4. I'm not sure if I read it in my Abstract or an article but I remember James mentioning that t.v. time outs help hinder the rhythm (an obvious one) but also that hitters should be able to decline a ball-four walk if they want to, which would force pitchers to throw more strikes which would help keep the rhythm at a more steady and quicker pace. This, along with batters hopping in/out of the batters box and the time they take between pitches were supposed to be more regularly enforced starting last season.
  5. I wouldn't be worried about an ir-happy crew chief, either. Any time a reversal of a call is made it's after consensus by the entire crew. What would be different with ir potential? I think there is certainly a rhythm to the game that includes the factors you've cited. That's part of the rhythm. What isn't part of the rhythm is having a manager call for a replay in the middle of a bombastic inning by the offense or a torrid inning by a pitcher. Whatever, though. Just my take. I also disagree that there are plenty of badly missed calls by umpires. When calls are blown they're memorable
  6. Selig isn't a big fan of instant-replay for the main reason that it may slow games down. The GM's voted almost all in favor of it for boundary issues ( fair/foul home run/not a hr). It's never been suggested by anyone that ir be used for ball/strike issues, for good reason. I think it'd be a plus to use it for boundary issues but disagree with cryptique that managers be allotted X (1?) amount of calls per game as that would almost ensure they get used each game which will slow games down and break the rhythm of the game and certainly not for safe/out calls. The head of the umpiring cr
  7. Why should it matter how many runs they have? If the manager lets the umpire "get away" with a shitty call once (especially this early in the season) without a little protest then the argument next time is less effective. Not that calls are expected to be reversed but that the umpire may be influenced to swing the other way next time in a similar situation. It's never a bad time for a manager to voice concern over a questionable call.
  8. It could easily have been one kid's idea who got it from the news or a t.v. show or a Grimm's fairy tale or whatever and gotten a gullible group of followers/sheep to act with him/her. To my knowledge, no actual violence was planned, just a hair-brained concept to punish the teacher. I'm not trying to excuse or validate the plot and it is a bit unnerving but I think it also shows that there are plenty more kids (another student blew the whistle on the cabal-in-waiting) who are able to distinguish between what's acceptable (right) and unacceptable (wrong).
  9. I'm not necessarily a supporter of Lieberman, just curious what makes him a sack of shit compared to any other politician. Also, I still have no problem with him becoming an Independent even if it is partially due to losing an election. I'm sure he's aware of the support he lost in doing so as well as the support he gained in doing so. I'm more offended by politicians towing the party line regardless of their personal beliefs than I am of politicians crossing party lines to justify their beliefs. I'm not saying this is evident in what Lieberman did, but it could be a contributing factor.
  10. Why? I find myself agreeing with Lieberman, to an extent. I also don't have a problem with politicains jumping ship from one party to another if the party lines become too muddied or lose the perspective/ideals/etc. that drew the person to them in the first place.
  11. What the hell is a "jeter?"
  12. Syesha was overkill and Cowell was dead on when he noted she went down hill switching over to the whitney version mid-song. Ramiele is almost non-existent up on stage. Going through the motions. My pick for being booted off. Or Syesha. Yeah. Syesha.
  13. I think most of his fastballs were actually around 86-87 tonight. He was leaving a lot of junk over the plate, too. His curve ball did show some nice movement though. He also pulled a hamstring and left the game early (4th inning). Still, it's early and he's still a pleasure to watch imo.
  14. Check out some of his solo stuff. Last year's Under the Skin is fantastic. He plays most instruments on the album but his guitar style (acoustic finger-picking/strumming) is fairly unique. I agree he's often overlooked/underrated.
  15. You're usually pretty damn cranky, aren't you? This'll probably set you off, too.
  16. Oh, so he could have been on Letterman and you'd have been cursing him. I thought you were talking about his pitching. I sense good things for Smoltz this year (once he's re-activated, of course). I took him in as many leagues as I was able to.
  17. I watched a good chunk of that game and thought Glavine did pretty well. It was a cold night, the guy's old, and it was his first time back in an ATL uni. He ended up tossing a lot of pitches but did get some key 3rd strike pitches in there. He left with a lead, too. And drew the walk that culmintaed in ATL putting some runs on the board. Not a bad night.
  18. Unfortunately, playing in Tropicana's domed facility, they do not have direct access to The Big Guy Upstairs.
  19. They aren't the The Tampa Bay Devil Rays anymore. Just The Tampa Bay Rays. Note this as the turning point for the franchise.
  20. Man, I bet it is. I'd like to watch a BOS game in HD from Fenway w/ NESN's surround sound option.
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