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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Excellent book (as is Dry and his latest, Possible Side Effects). I believe it was recently made into a movie, too.
  2. I didn't get the impression an assault with a broomstick had occurred. A bonehead partygoer made a suggestive/threatening mention/gesture with one, but I don't think either of the strippers even claimed an assault with a broomstick had happened. Rich/white/fratboy/whatever doesn't matter. They were apparently faulsely accused. No DNA matches, the woman claimed to have recent sex with her boyfriend (which correlates with the assertion of the medical examiner that perforation of vaginal walls appeared to have come from casual/consentual sex), photographs of the accuser passed out and incapable
  3. Good call. Jerry Joseph has been putting out/writing great tunes for years. I try never to miss him when he swings into town.
  4. The soundtrack is pretty decent, actually. And you can pause the disc if you get distracted and come back to it later.
  5. When I turn 50 and get my sex-change I'm so going to join that whacky, whacky club. It's so awesome because they not only are women, are over 50, and get together....but they wear whacky red hats!!!
  6. A few off the cuff that I really dig (not necessarily all "new", but not "classic"): Todd Snider G. Love Yonder Mountain String Band Banyan Shawn Mullins Pieta Brown Umphrey's McGee Old Crow Medicine Show South Austin Jug Band Dexter Grove/ Charley Orlando/Charley Orlando Band The Motet Government Mule Flaming Lips Ween Leo Kottke (been around for ages, though) Bob Mould Michael Franti/Spearhead Assembly of Dust Amos Lee
  7. I've seen Dead people over 150 times.... ... That's all I've got.... ....
  8. This is a great post, but I'd offer an angle on it: I think most kids can be taught a lesson/respect for parents and adults/manners/etc. without the spankings. There's a lot of tact involved in getting your kids to behave themselves and allow themselves to be molded into the people you desire them to be (which is what this is all about, anyway). I've spanked (swatted breifly, really) my older boy (6) twice. Both times he was out of control and doing inappropriate things. He hasn't done them since. I wasn't usually hit/spanked when I was growing up but lived in fear of the consequences set u
  9. It really is mesmerizing. I keep picturing the yarmulke as a saucer, though. This isn't of any import, just a random thought stuck in my head.
  10. Wal-Mart employs roughly 1.6 million people; 93% of all Americans shop there at least once/year; etc.
  11. That's funny you say that...I just made a red-bell-pepper-and-virgin-olive-oil/red-wine-vinegar-with-portebello mushroom-and-a- dab-of-crack dressing for our salad tonight. Go figure.
  12. I think they already do play whatever they want. No harm in a fan being a bit burned out on some tunes, though. Personally, I'd take whatever tunes they're into doing on any given night. Doesn't mean I'd particularly dig each one the same, though.
  13. A good idea, but the broken bolt (and the intact bolt) take up the entire hole. I suppose with some finesse I could do it, but then I wouldn't have the classy wire and duct tape look going on with the tags.
  14. So I bought some magnets to affix my new license plates onto my new(used) car because the bolt is snapped off in one of the holes and the other bolt refuses to come out of it's hole even with a shallacking of WD-40 and the strength of Zeus on a wrench, and you know what? License plates apparently are not made out of metal. I don't know what the hell's going on in the prisons, but they're chintzing on the tags, man.
  15. Wow, that guy on the right is pretty tall.
  16. Some good ones already mentioned, but... I've never been a big heavy metal fan, particularly the 80s hair/glam-rock horseshit, but no list is complete without one of the best albums of the decade: Appetite for Destruction. For me, I recall U2's Joshua Tree, The Meat Puppets' Up On The Sun, and the Pixies' Surfer Rosa as great albums of the 80s, too.
  17. Oops, sorry froggie. I've got it but am a dunce when it comes to setting it up for a file. Go to it when you get home, please.
  18. Jeff telling the audience that Glenn is jammin' on the drums. He ask's the audience: (sic)"ladies, isn't Glenn hot?" The crowd hoots and hollers and JT replies...."well, unfortunately he's taken, ladies" (a slight pause and sthen said in an aside-like way: "taken with himself...." Then there's the ugly scene in London when JT's ragging on the crowd telling them how glad they are to be going home: "this is the last night of the worst tour of our live's." This continues with JT interacting with an audience member and him replying: "I'll come out there and get you after the show." The exchange
  19. That wretched 4 Non Blonde's tune from the early 90s would do it for me. And maybe a dash of Tiny Tim to top me off, too.
  20. It's nice to see so many folks appreciating the works of Steinbeck. I've read both Tortilla Flat and Cannery Row at least a baker's dozen times each. I appreciate most of Steinbeck's stuff, but these two (quick reads) always hit me a certain way that leaves me feeling nostalgic. Other favorite multi-reads: Just about all of HST's works (not a huge fan of toiling through his letters, though there are some gems), Moby Dick, To Kill A Mockingbird, Robertson Davies' Trilogy books, Don Quixote, The Rabbit Factory (Larry Brown), and pretty much anything by Flannery O'Connor.
  21. I'm aware that she has written songs, and some very good ones, too. I'd still consider 2-3 albums worth of original material compared to the20-25 albums she's put out only a handful, though. She's better known as a vocalist than a songwriter, IMO. But whatever, it's just an opinion.
  22. My point is simply that just because he requested something be done post-mortem doesn't mean it's necessarily prudent to follow through with it.
  23. What if he decided to murder a schoolful of kids and then was gunned down by the police on camera?
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