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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. Yep...sorry I know you knew this.....Christ I miss going to Fenway.........
  2. Interesting footnotes with regards to the Sox hiting back to back to back to back homers last night. Been done 5 times now, last time was September of last year when the Dodgers did it. JD Drew was part of that last year as well as last nights. Also when the Indians did it back in ....63 or 64 Francona's (current Sox mgr) dad was part of that. Kinda interesting. Best part is Sox swept....Slappy McBluelips (A-rod) though currently tearing it up, grounded out to end the game last night, which made it just that much sweeter.
  3. Nah no 4/20 thing. They wore the green in honor of Red Auerbach, who died earlier this year. And might I add the Sox swept the fucking Yankees.....sweet!
  4. Too many choices....... How about "Don't worry, be happy" Jesus wept
  5. Yeah.... Anyway enough about this debate. Nothing is going to change what happened.....It's just so hard to fathom why someone would do such a thing, thats what gets me. Be interesting to see what they un-earth about this kid.
  6. Hey I respect your opinions.....It's just my feeling. Having a gun has saved my life on more than one occasion (in Iraq) and once here in the mean streets of Nashville. But like I said just my opinion.
  7. Thanks, Valid concerns to be sure. I look at it this way though. Who would not want a gun in the hands of someone when that dude was busting into classrooms and point blank executing people? At least they might have had a fighting chance. But like I said my opinion and thanks for sharing yours
  8. Yeah I hear you Owl. Anytime a tragedy strikes be it a shooting, plane crash, etc you can try to determine what may have worked. Sadly it's always after such events have happened. There really is no way to plan for anything like this. This will surely set off a shit storm in here but I'm gonna say it anyways. The only thing that might have made this less horrible would have been if someone (student, teacher, staff, etc) was carrying a weapon. I'm not gonna get into the gun control aspect of this but if someone had a gun they might have put this sick fuck down a lot quicker. I'm all for som
  9. Sadly there is no one single thing anyone can do when a determined nut case has it mind to cause mayhem. This guy was hell bent on causing max destruction and did it. No amount of planning or spending can possibly mitigate every circumstance and prevent these things. I think in the next days and weeks there is gonna be a lot of wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth over this. There are already calls for the heads of the university president and the campus chief of police. I think given what information they had at the time they proceeded as they felt best. I'm not saying they did everythin
  10. CNN is now reporting it was some 23 year old South Korean guy that was a student at VT. crazy crazy crazy
  11. I'm guessing (just my opinion) it's not a terror act as we perceive that term in a 9-11 sense. But then again if you define the term as an act that is designed to cause horror, fear, and confusion it sure as hell seems like it is a terror act. Who knows? Maybe it was some whacked out student that was freaking out about exams or some shit like that? Either way it's pretty fucking evil and sad.
  12. This thing is going to go down as the worst mass shooting in US history, worse than that Luby's shooting in Texas back in '91. Some reports are also saying as many as 50 people were shot, and that this nut case may have been targeting people and not shooting at random. It's sort of hard trying to wrap your mind around this.
  13. Apparently they are saying it was one gunman, in 2 seperate locations with the time lapse in between. That dude must have had a big headful of snakes.
  14. Some crazy stuff going down there. Last August there was a gunman running around there that killed one person, now this. Apparently there have been bomb threats over the past couple of weeks there as well. 22 dead, that's just fucked up.
  15. You probably would be best served by checking out www.wilcobase.com you can search by song titles and it will show you the date and venue played good luck
  16. I've said it before in this post but it's nothing but a hustle. Sharpton et al now know that anything, ANYTHING that is the slightest bit not to their liking will result in sanctions, firings, etc. This guy brought CBS and NBC to their knees. Think it will stop now? He (Sharpton) has completely manipulated this. Were Imus' comments stupid and inane and ugly? Yes, but to me what is more ugly is that a sleaze like Sharpton can get over like this on society. Remember this is a guy that incited the Crown Heights riots back in the 90's that resulted in the death of a young man. This is the guy t
  17. Well you can be sure now that Sharpton and his ilk will be on the war path now. They got two large media conglomerates to back down and fire Imus, no telling what will be next. You gotta wonder WTF is going on. CBS pretty much kneeled down and licked Sharptons boots on this one. Sharpton, the race hustler, just proved he can move mountains with his bullshit. He was quoted yesterday as saying "It is our feeling that this is only the beginning. We must have a broad discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms of airwaves." Thats some scarry shit right there. Sharpton as the arb
  18. I caught a bit of this yesterday on Good Morning America and I think they tossed around a figure of about 3 million or so as the cost of the defense (for all 3).
  19. When I was a kid and we were playing ball I would always try to pitch like El Tiante....you know that crazy almost cork screw motion he had. As much as I love the Sox still it's those guys from the 70's I always remember. Louie, Yaz, Dewey, Rico...etc
  20. Kinda funny that Sharpton is all agog over this. That race pimp created a shit storm with the Tawana Brawley case and then pretty much caused the death of that Rosenbaum kid back during the Crown Heights riots by inciting violence. While Imus is an idiot, Sharpton and all the other race pimps are the biggest bunch of hypocrites around. You can be sure he (Sharpton) is looking for dollar signs. He's nothing but a shakedown artist.
  21. Always love the Slappy McBluelips line
  22. Wait! You mean there are words printed on that cover?
  23. darkstar

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    Wolf Tiger Travis Bean Rosebud Tiger Jr
  24. A valid point, however like Keef hasn't done shit 10 times as weird you know? The way he sounds in that article it's like "Oy, so I had a snort of the old bloke, inneresting innit?"
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