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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. Sweeeeeet Sox take the 1st against Detroit!
  2. Wilco Grateful Dead Neil Young Dylan The Doors Allman Brothers Pink Floyd The Band Rolling Stones Velvet Underground Morophine Radiohead Frank Zappa / Mothers of Invention Janis Joplin Jimi Hendrix Yeah I'm an old fart
  3. There you go! I live in Nashville and go up to Bowling Green KY a lot (an hour a way) every time I cross the state line baxk into TN I always sing that out loud or have it playing.
  4. Ah well....if the boys release another new album sooner rather than later all of this will be moot and people will be praising or pissing that one...... My 2 cents is that this (SBS) is one helluva fine album and I will say that the current line up is my favorite version to date so take that with however many grains of salt you wish. It ain't perfect but it's pretty great.
  5. Grew up in Holden and lived there almost 30 years....now live in Nashville, still have the Wustah accent though
  6. They are trying to now, but back in the day 80's-90's when it was going on big time they turned a blind eye to it. Let's face it lots of big home runs= putting fans in seats. Anytime there has been scandal or hints of it baseball tends to hope it just goes away. Like the Black Sox scandal of 1919, the owners were horrified that if fans thought games were crooked they would stop showing up. They covered up all the evidence and testimony. Then commisioner Landis eventually banned all involved I think a year later or something.
  7. There was also talk about what Schilling said could have been libel and he was afraid of getting sued. Regarding B*nds cheating on taxes, his wife, etc. Either way fuck B*nds. If that guy was even slightly decent I don't think there would be as much rancor about this record. The fact is he is not a very likeable guy and that has hurt his image. Throw in the assumption he has cheated and you get a lot of negativity for the guy. There was a post on some Boston blog and a guy said that whomever catches the 756 ball needs to write in big letters "BALCO" on it then throw it back on the field. Of
  8. That was sorta cool Canadian commercials. Love to see adds for water softning pellets. I do like seeing the ads from other areas of the country especially local ads like car dealerships and stuff can be pretty funny.
  9. Right on. I pre-ordered and will likely buy a couple of extra copies for some birthday gifts for some folks.
  10. Was nice seeing Hallady getting rocked last night....wonder why they kept him in so long. Thank God I get the NESN feed tonight. Watching the Sox on the Toronto feed was excrutiating. "and there's the second oooot of the inning" between that and Rance Mullinicks drivel.......good thing I had beer and bongs for that crap
  11. The last time I saw the Dead at MSG (I think it was Sept of 92 a Rex Bnefit show) I was looking over this girls shoulder to see the set list she was writing. She turns around and gets in my face saying "back off or I'll fucking stab you". Only in NYC.....
  12. He looked even better after Varitek took him deep right after that
  13. oh yeah.....back in the days when they did an acoustic set, a NRPS set then an electric dead set...I'm sure you heard the Dicks Picks #8 5-2-70 Harper college there is some great acoustic versions of songs in the first set as well as some seriously rabid fans creating a lot of funny stage banter from Jerry and Pig Pen Just great great stuff
  14. You got that right. 77 was pretty intense. I'm more of a primal Dead kinda guy 68-74 to me is the best, but some of the 77 shows do have that similar intensity to them. There are some killer Playin'>Drums>Other One jams in spring 77 shows, as well as some great Terrapins even though that song was new at the time. And the versions of comes a time just floor me from that time period especially the 5-12 Chicago version. Amazing stuff.
  15. Always nice to see the boys get recognized for something. I gotta be honest though, that Cornell show (while very good) to me is wayyyyyy overrated. It is amazingly clean and crisp sounding but for my money the shows in Boston and Buffalo that sandwich the 5-8 gig are much better. Also if you can check out the 5-11 and 5-12 shows. Parts of them are available on the deads web site in the tapers section, in mp3 format. No offense at all to the famous Ithaca show but I never really figured out what all the fuss was about that one show. Check out as many of the other May 77 shows you can. Ther
  16. Irrational or not I think most of the A-rod haters (myself included) perceive the guy as nothing more than a big number guy that does nothing else. Sure he's gonna hit 30-40 HR a year with 100+ rbi's and bat at least .300 but that's it. The great players in any sport the Tiger Woods, Larry Bird, Jordan's etc etc win championships. That's it. That is why they are thought of as all time greats. A-Rod has never helped his team(s) win diddly that's why a lot of people see him as nothing but a number hungry spoiled jerk. Sure he's atop the lists in most stats this year but his team is stinking now
  17. Beer My Mom's Shepherds Pie Mashed 'Taters Ice Tea Apple Pie Sunflower Seeds (go figure)
  18. Nice game. Remy was cracking me up when he was doing that promo for Fenway. Talking about how you can rent it for functions etc. Said it's a great place for a wedding or other affairs then he starts laughing like a bastard. So glad MLB came to it's senses and I can now watch extra innings on cable instead of a dish. Got any predictions for Dice-K tonight?
  19. If mammary (sorry...memory) serves I believe there was an auction for that dress she was wearing on e-bay. Proceeds went to some charity or something.....seriously
  20. I'd put a version of "either way" on it myself, seems like a good song for your circumstances
  21. I have been, I used to travel a lot for work and had a client up in Marlborough I'd see each month...but it's too hard to get tix (and $$$$) these days. I grew up in Worcester and used to get to 15-20 games a year back in the 70's and 80's. Sadly I don't travel for work anymore so...... at least they wised up and I get the Xtra Innings deal now.....
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