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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. Jesus we are agreeing on something here WTF? Now about this A-Rod thing............
  2. or his 72 mph heater Actually in MLB07 The Show you can get Wake's fastball up into the mid 80's
  3. That's pretty nice that a brother in law would have your back. Jeeeez the guy my sister married? fuggeddaboutit
  4. Good deal...... Wish I could get out of my office...too much crap going down here lately. We are on our 4th (4th!!!!!!!!!!!!) senior management change here in the past three years it's outta control. Hope your new gig is all you hope it to be
  5. Things They Carried is a really great book.... 22 hrs that sucks...make sure you get up and walk around some, and have a great trip!
  6. I agree with the fact that it seems no more bush than other stuff...I can't give a concrete reason why it's bush I just ( IMO) know it is...it's kind of an intangible thing. Some people will be fine with it others won't be. And yeah your probably right that it's a big deal 'cause it's A-rod, but then again no one (or the media) cares about some journey-man type of guy doing stuff, but when your the $250 million man, everything will be scrutinized. I think that he said " I got it" or something to that effect. I never played third or short ( I was an all defense, no hit catcher) but any time t
  7. Gotta disagree with you Earl, thats not heads-up thats bush leauge stuff. It's just my opinion though....I'll agree to disagree with you.......wait don't they sing that in Side With The Seeds?
  8. Jim Rome had an interesting segment about this on his show today. His opinion was that there are certain unwritten rules in baseball, such as phantom tags on runners, coming off the base early turning a double play, etc. He opined that A-Rod's thing last night was a bush leauge play that goes against the un-written rules. He did make a point of stating that no one on the Yankees was sticking up for him (in post game interviews) and that A-rod's assertion that that happens all the time is bunco. Usually I think Rome is kind of an idiot but I gotta agree on this point. Though a huge Sox fan an
  9. I am enjoying the Yankee's melt down thus far this season EDIT: any bets on if 'ol Slappy McBluelips gets thrown at next time they play Toronto?
  10. I was watching PTI yesterday and Wilbon was slamming the Yankees and Clemmens....calling them "dead" Have to say I of course enjoyed it. Add a Sox win and a NY loss last night.....purty good What about that Jays player swiping home....that's an exciting play
  11. yeah.....you hate to see a player like that go. His numbers were declining and he couldn't hit lefty's but.......you gotta wonder about getting Drew. If the Sox weren't leading NY by 350 games like they are, people would be calling for Drew's public execution right now.
  12. Is it just me or does it seem like there are a lot of guys on the DL fairly early in this season?
  13. A FEW KIND WORDS OF ADVICE: Any of you going to Bonnaroo please be careful. They Looooooooove to pull over people on the interstates here in TN as your crossing into the state the week before the festival. It never fails that you will see some big ass RV or a hippy van pulled over on the news with a TN state trooper looking bad ass with the drug haul displayed across the hood. Happens every year. Please be very cool and low key if your bringing a stash, they are looking for you guys. That being said as others have mentioned in the previous posts water water water. It's already hot as hell
  14. Been away for a few days and now I'm dizzy from reading all 13 pages of this post...... Anyways as far as I am concerned Wilco lets me do what I want with their songs (streaming out albums before release, being taper friendly, etc, etc) so I'm cool with them doing whatever THEY want with THEIR songs. just my opinion
  15. Hmmmm...I know that establishments can be held liable for drunk driving stuff but I dunno where's the personal responsibility in all this? Were they forcing the drinks down his throat? It's a terrible thing but damn, would his old man be suing if he (Hancock) killed somebody else as a result of his drunk driving? That is fucking hillarious!
  16. So when do you think they are gonna trade Willis? Been hearing some rumors about that
  17. I hear you. Of course ESPN is gonna hype the crap out of it.....big $$$$ for advertisers and all that. That gets me to a new point. ESPN. I swear I almost can't watch that anymore. ESPN used to be really good now it seems it always just about the anouncers and their stupid catch phrases. I saw a recap of the Spurs-Jazz the othernight and they had that idiot Stephen A. Smith on. WTF? he always does that wide-eyed pissed off, angry black man thing whats up with that? And Kenny Maye with his "Obama!" thing after a highlight? I submit that the corporate bullshit of ESPN (owned by Disney) is ruinin
  18. I really hate defending the Yankees, but I hate how Red Sox fans look down on them even more. I understand you are rivals and all, but to the rest of the league, there is no difference between how you operate at this point. You guys are exactly the same thing. As my good friend once said, "The Red Sox are the same monster as the Yankees, but with facial hair". Heresy! I get your point. You gotta understand the way it is being a Mass native and a die-hard sox fan for 40 years. I'm not saying you don't get it because you obviously love baseball and pretty much back up your assertio
  19. What????!!!!!! no intensely detailed statistical analysis to follow?? I understand your point, but playing in NY is like being in a fish-bowl. A lot of off field stuff has a large effect on the on field performance. Anyways I'm just a fan ranting about my hatred for the Yankees and taking joy in the fact they seem fucked up. Sorry I had no sabermetric shit to pontificate with.
  20. Shakedown Street = vending area in parking lots at Dead shows. People selling all kinds of stuff, doses (lsd) etc, etc
  21. Funny blog posting on sethmnookin.com regarding last nights elbow to Pedroia's crotch by A-Rod. A-Rod is a gutless punk #8261 I cracked up reading it when he (Mnookin) assails A-Rod for his "peculiarly femmine style of being aggressive"
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