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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. Alright stop it! You made me choke on some sunflower seeds....... "lemur on a blow bender", Steinbrenner and his henchmen too friggin' funny I hope to hell the Sox bats start waking up, they are looking a bit punchless these past few games. And WTF was Lugo doing trying to steal third a couple days ago?
  2. Where's that guy "Internet Police" ? Maybe he (or she) can chime in!
  3. You know, upon reflection I gotta agree with you. Of course some are better than others
  4. Holy Shit it's the reincarnation of ... This is getting to be like a really bad zombie movie
  5. They are very (very, very) pricey but are beautiful custom made hand crafted guitars. I'm talking about Alembic right here I do not own one but have played one, and thought it was the nicest guitar I have ever handled. These guys (or some of their luthiers of the past) made a lot of guitars for guys in the Bay Area back in the 60's and 70's ( J. Garcia, Phil Lesh, etc) Like I said these puppies don't come cheap, check out the site and the price quotes....I'd buy every model if I hit the Powerball Jackpot!!
  6. Agreed....Keith and Donna had played out their tenure. Was never a huge fan of Donna and her off-key caterwaulling, but in his prime Keith added some nice fills and texture. I love reading about the stuff that was going on when Bobby and PP were on the outs funny stuff. Like you said they just kept showing up. Of course one could never count on Garcia to get all heavy and be a bad guy and force the issue. Also consider the way their sound changed when Mickey quit for those 5 years, made a big difference.
  7. That sucks......but like Quarter said probably legal only because corporate HR types know their way around all loopholes. I work for a big corporation and the stories I could tell.......
  8. What about that guy that's with the model Kate Moss what's his name ? Pete Doherty something like that?
  9. Who knows for sure? There seems to have been ( still is) a lot of discontent with the boys these last few years. Apparently Weir and Lesh do not see eye to eye.....kind of a bummer, I don't know who is making the decisions these days. I would like to think they would keep the DP's going but it's been about what 2 years since vol 36 came out?
  10. yeah....I had read that back a few years ago in vol 1 of the Deadheads Taping Compendium when it came out. They offered no reason why it was shelved. I am pretty disapointed with Rhino though. They haven't been releasing nearly enough stuff. Just the 76 NYE show and this....hopefully they will release more stuff. At least I can get a weekly helping of vault stuff on the tapers section at their website. Lemieux puts out a lot of decent stuff there.
  11. Anyone get it? I've listened to it twice now and it's a pretty decent listen. Killer blues jam in the middle of Smokestack Lightning, and the Bird Song is pretty good as well. If memory serves that was the 1st time they did it (or maybe the second) Anyways........Nice to have a high quality recording of this show
  12. CNN.com is reporting they found steroids in the residence....sad sad sad
  13. It's the only bad thing about having a dog....saying goodbye Sorry about your pup
  14. yeah I have a recording of that (ripple) it's pretty good. Just thinking some of the Dead's tunes would sound quite nice in the hands of Wilco, it ain't like I'm sayin' they should cover Brittany Spears tunes THAT would drive some to suicide....can you imagine the outburst in here if that happened? Make the "controversy" thread seem tame in comparison....ok Jesus I gotta get that outta my head WTF is wrong with me?
  15. Hey live FREE or die right? they still have that on the license plates up there?
  16. Ok I didn't read through the thread all the way so if these have been mentioned sorry Rolling Stones "Dead Flowers" I can imagine Nels going all crazy on the steel guitar on that Grateful Dead "New Speedway Boogie" Imagine Jeff droning on one way or another, one way or another...... Grateful Dead "Brokedown Palace" would be a way cool show closing tune I know I know some folks would faint at the Dead being covered but a lot (if not all) the songs from Working Man's Dead or American Beauty are right down their alley. Not all dead songs are 45 minute melt down jams......not that t
  17. pub bills hell...he needs the $$$ for his dentist and his teeth (tooth)
  18. Sadly this abomination is still there to this day
  19. doses= lsd as in a dose of acid lucky no one got taxed there. They got a deal here in TN where you actually have to (are supposed to) buy tax stamps for your illicit dope. If you get caught with weed and have no stamp they call it tax evasion and can strip you of any property you may have on the spot. This is no bullshit, you get caught without the stamp they can and have seized cash, cars, personal property. How's that for a scam? Ounce and a half....you got lucky. That's enough weight here in TN to make it an intent to distribute case instead of a posession case.
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