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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. Very fine posts regarding this topic. I have to agree with Danelctro, I think Wilco has always had a mellow side and SBS just kind of expands on it in a different way. UW is dead on about the way Jeff sings on this album as well. He is not the slick, over-produced top 40 singer that seems all too frequent these days, but the way he sings you can feel the emotion in it. Thats very rare in my opinion. Guys like Bob Dylan and Jerry Garcia are/were similar in my opinion. Not the best voices but the soul and feeling just came through (sorry had to get the obligatory Garcia mention in there). I
  2. Love the first three tracks....Either Way, YAMF, Impossible Germany, and the last track On and On. I wasn't a fan of it when I heard it live last year but it has something in the album mix that just hooks me. The rest of the disc is pretty good, but those are the 4 songs that grab me. I'd say Impossible Germany would probably be my favorite.
  3. listened to it 3 times now......getting more interesting each time
  4. Manny being Manny How long until the usual trade me or I'll get knee problems again?
  5. darkstar

    Sky Blue Sky

    I've gone through SBS twice now and in that brief span I gotta say this is one damn fine album. The music and lyrics are just hitting me right. I can't explain it any other way. I'm sure I'll form other opinions on subsequent listens but right now I'm pretty floored.
  6. Please sir may I have a PM of the album? (said in best waifish Charles Dickens type London orphan voice) EDIT: Got it, thanks!! What a great band, and what a great buncha people in here
  7. They can be pretty viscious about checking ID's at the Basement.....Get a fake ID! Good luck!
  8. NBC Dateline has been informed...........
  9. Watermellon in Easter Hay......frigging great (all of Joe's Garage is great). Every once in a while for no reason I feel the need to yell out "This is the central srcrutinizer" Speaking also about great Dead solos, the 2nd jam on Let it Grow (9-10-74, or on disc 2 of Dick's Pick's vol.7) is incredible. Jerry fingerpicks like mad and then goes into about a 10 second burst of "The Tiger" strum. Amazing. Hippie Freaks unite!
  10. Nope, not at all Used to be real easy to go see the Dead back in the day, small venues, easy to get tickets. Then they got popular back in '87 and the scene got bad cullminating in the tour from hell in 95. Death threats, gate crashers you name it.
  11. Manny being Manny...... From the tone I'm picking up from reading a lot of stuff on Boston.com it seems that a few of his teammates are getting sick of his shit. No one is gonna say anything about it but I think some of those cats are getting tired of his schtick. Wonder if he's gonna quit in August like he did last year once he gets his 120 rbi's 30 HR and .300 average
  12. Man I've been leafing through all three volumes a lot lately. They are well-read and dog-eared
  13. Never be kind to penguins. If you look closely at my avatar you will see the avenging narwhal impaling one of those little bastards! Happy Feet my ass
  14. ONLY $12.95!!!!!! SO YOU DON'T FORGET, ORDER BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my Girlfriend got it at perpetualkid.com or something. It does have incredible avenging powers
  15. Like the signature says "Avenging Narwhal" It's actually a toy you can get, frigging hillarious, comes with 4 tusks and 3 little cute animals to impale
  16. As you may have heard there was an uh, infestation of sorts at a local KFC in New York City Click the link for some crazy footage. The crowd reaction in the background is hillarious rats on film!
  17. And it goes on and on and on and on Apparently America's sweetheart has once again checked out of rehab today. Anyone taking odds on just how much longer it is until she's on TV in a white Ford Bronco being chased down the streets of L.A. (a-la OJ Simpson)?
  18. Hell Yeah!!! I had one of those.......got stickers and put #27 on it. Was a big Carlton Fisk fan
  19. I sort of feel a little guilty about all this Anna Nicole, Brittany celebrity shit. On one hand I could care less, on the other hand it is interesting to see how the media just goes crazy with this kinda stuff. I guess a lot of people really get into the celebrity news stuff and like to live their lives through others. Anyways If I had made a gazillion bucks and could get away with the shit celebrities can get away with at that age they would have found me in a hotel room with a few dead hookers and a big pile of blow.....or something to that effect. Hard to stay grounded when nobody tells y
  20. I wonder if Vegas is putting odds on her to be the next celebrity to join the dead pool. It's pretty bizzare that "Hairgate" is getting so much exposure on supposed "hard news" programs.
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