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Everything posted by darkstar

  1. Another point to consider is getting some live stuff. You can find a lot of shows out there that are easily downloaded. Check out the torrent site here. Also check out www.rbally.net he posts some live shows every now and again (mp3 format) Think theres one from 2004 on his site as we speak.
  2. True enough. Also consider that had Gramatica (the kicker) actually thrown at least a half assed block at the guy rushing in Romo might have gotten the 1st down or scored. The guy that tackled Romo was the dude rushing the kick, he hustled down and got him. All Gramatica had to do was hold him up for a second. But you can't really expect a kicker to actually block or tackle with any skill.
  3. Oh yeah, point taken. This guy is one sad fucker. I'm no bleeding heart by any stretch but every time I hear or see him it's like I almost feel embarrased. The guy has no tact. You can disagree with Fox doing the ad and state the reasons why you disagree, but making fun and gesticulating wildly? Thats some serious bad karma shit there. I believe in mocking and poking fun at just about everything but damn...... Anyways
  4. Yep. Your correct he wasn't convicted. Amazing huh? Anyone else with that kinda charge and no big$$$ lawyer wouldda been screwed.
  5. It's really hard to take anything that guy says or does seriously. He gives people the impression that anyone who is conservative is a mindless, uncaring freak. And fuck him anyways with his law and order bullshit and his pomposity. In the past few years this guy has: Caused a racial flap with his comments about Donovan McNabb and the NFL, been busted for having a huge stash of perscription dope in his posession (that kind of weight, if it had been a "normal" citizen would have been put away for years), flying in and out of the Dominican Republic with perscription meds (Viagara!) in his pose
  6. Exactly!!! My thoughts as I was checking out all the posts. I would add Garcia, Keef, and of course Clapton to the list. Also consider Junior Brown he of the "guit-steel" fame. The man can truly shred like a bastard on that thang!
  7. Limbaugh is indeed mostly (ok 99.9%) an asshole. Keep in mind that ads are misleading. Watching the Fox ads give the sense that stem cell research is illegal. It is in fact NOT illegal. The current admins point is that Federal funding should not be used. Researchers can and do stem cell research all the time. I myself feel that the research is valuable and that Federal money should be used. They use Federal grants for all sorts of other stuff so why not this? Because of the implications and the fact they have brought religion into it (what with embryo's and such) huh......wasn't there some
  8. Right on. A little courtesy will go a long way. You see this crap everywhere nowadays. Go to any concert or sporting event you see idiots running around all crazy. Going to a show or game or whatever isn't an excuse to get bombed and act like a fool. 99% of people will go and have a good time, cheer, yell, have a few drinks or bong hits or whatever and be cool, theres always some ass-clown that gets all fucked up and ends up with a head full of snakes and ruins a good time for everybody. Congrats to the fine VC (and other Wilco fans) who recognize the stupidy of the douchebag for running up
  9. Right on, Hey I love Guiness but this stuff sounds bad......not "like"chocolate as most dark beers are but tasting exactly as chocolate does and I don't think that would be too good. Yeah don't they have a turkey dinner flavor or something crazy like that
  10. Jesus wept Chocolate Or Beer? Miller Combines Two Favorites POSTED: 3:15 pm EDT October 12, 2006 MILWAUKEE -- Chocolate or beer? Now, lovers of brew and sweets won't have to make the choice. Miller Brewing is launching a new holiday beer that's sure to appeal to chocolate lovers. The company said Frederick Miller Classic Chocolate Lager is brewed with six different malts. It goes on sale this month through December in a number of Midwestern markets including Wisconsin and the cities of Chicago, Minneapolis, Cleveland and Indianapolis. The brewing company said the beer will be sol
  11. Nobel peace prize eh? Kind of ironic that the peace prize (and all other prizes, economics, etc) are named after the inventor of TNT I love that
  12. I got the belt a few times for major fuck ups, but normally I would get grounded. Grounded for real. My Mom was a stay home Mom and would put the most heavy handed prison warden to shame. Grounded meant grounde. No TV, no phone, nothing. When my Dad was off in summer (he was a school principal) it was even worse. Both of them would be on patrol. I always wished they would have just smacked me and get it over with instead of grounding me
  13. I would guess most people are scared of roaches is because they are equated with nastiness. For example you always see roach infested places on the news or in movies, etc. They make you think of filth and squalor. Myself...I hate the little fuckers. I never saw one in my life until I moved down south. (There are some serioulsy LARGE ones in Florida that fly...and have attitudes). A good way to kill them is to spray them with BrakeClean (it's a product you can get at auto supply stores, used to clean and degrease parts) one good blast of that and they almost instantly dry up and croak. Seri
  14. No problem..... You really don't see Ol Georgie anymore....it seems like they have mothballed him, never actually on the news anymore. He just releases "statements". Is he that old and frail now? Rumor has it his son in law will take over the helm at some point. At least you guys made the playoffs. The Sox season pretty much ended back on July 31st. Both clubs need some overhauling.
  15. Nice pot kettle black refference! Sorry man, nothin' personal. I grew up in Boston and love the Sox. Anytime the Yankees choke (like say in 2004) I just can't help it! Have fun watching the Yankee circus in the off season. Ought to be interesting...who is gonna go? A-Rod, Torre, Sheffield????????
  16. Congrats to the Tigers and their fans. Always wonderful to see the Yanks collapse in the post season (as has been their custom since 2004). This to me is second only to their collapse against the Sawx in 04. I love the fact that Georgie boy is probably turning purple and having a fit right now. I think this proves that A-Rod is in fact an over rated blow hard. Sure he puts up big numbers but he doesn't in the post season. You can all trot out the numbers etc, etc, etc but the fact is he has done nothing in his last 3 playoff series. Nothing. Anyways go Tigers.....I would like to see them t
  17. No offense to anyone, but I would like to see the Twins take it. I won't mind if anyone else wins it all except for the fucking Yankees. I don't want to see Slappy McBluelips (A-Rod) crying his crocodile tears if the Spankees win it all. Another historic collapse like 04 would be nice, they can show Steinbrenner having a stroke...I can hear it now Joe Buck: And it looks like Steinbrenner is turning blue in the owners box. MCCarver: Thank God, now we can finally stop blowing him and the rest of this team.
  18. A bong hit and a few beers will fix that rip in the continuum for you
  19. In the words of my Irish relatives......dear Jaysus.......
  20. Well they probably are looking for a new big show now what with recent events
  21. We have these nasty little wooly looking things down here in Tennessee they call "Cow Killers" It's a type of flight-less wasp that look like those wooly red and black catepillars you see. Supposedly called cow killers because their sting is so severe. I had a kid at an outward-bound type thing pick one up (after I told him not to) and bam, it got him on the thumb. True story here....within a minute his entire hand was swelling up like in a cartoon and that kid was crying and screaming like no tomorrow.
  22. Dr. Faust....is that you? you do have a point
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