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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. once you're dead to the guy that's the way it stays. don't shit where you eat pal.
  2. isn't it also a question of momentum? Better to head in playing well than crashing and burning.
  3. the only down part of his season is his inability the break the Babe's or Roger Maris' home run records.
  4. It was only a matter of time until he showed his true colors. seriously: I haven't heard any such thing. Maybe you just work in the most cynical building within 100 miles.
  5. "If you're going to cry I'll give you something to cry about."
  6. at this rate they're not even going to make the playoffs. willie has to be out of a job. joe girardi will be managing one of two NY teams next year.
  7. True that. I was at a music festival over the weekend and two dopes got into a fistfight over real estate while literally surrounded by family upon family. I jumped in to break it up and when the police showed up they went to drag me away with them. Several dozen 'yes sirs' and 'no sirs' later and they let me go, but clearly any resistance at all would have landed me in the pokey as well.
  8. we're like a clique! I knew you would have.
  9. I wouldn't know. I only tuned in when Cryptique had his hissy fit over steroid talk.
  10. mostly because the inane season long bashing of the yankees and a-rod got old a long time ago.
  11. giving stuff away is super cool, but I think I'm too old to get eggers. I tried to read that book of his and wanted to pierce my eyes with an ice pick.
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