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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. while on my lunch hour 'please make my legs stop hurting' ride I saw a totally fly mail lady and thought of Jorge in those darling shorts and I got all jiggly inside.
  2. I have an original copy of this, so I'm kind of miffed that this is circulating this way.
  3. I walked by a newstand this morning and saw the wall street journal for sale there.
  4. I'm flabbergasted that they're suing the tow truck operator and the guy whose car stalled. Why not the automobile manufacturer as well? With such an inability to accept any sense of responsibility it's no fucking wonder this kid died a drunk. Thank god he didn't leave any carnage in his wake. A counter suit should be filed against him for being a shitty dad and not hauling him off to rehab.
  5. good stuff in here. I figured it all out. our impending economic woes will be solved by simply tying one another up in litigation, and cleaning the mansions owned by all the attorneys. try shipping that shit overseas!
  6. memorial day weekend haitus. even the mob takes a break to head to the beach.
  7. and the 19 injuries that have kept him sidelined since he got here, including slamming his porsche into the back of a tractor trailer? He yankee career saw him paid 2 million a start.
  8. that's actually a load. eff that guy. I hope he needs help brushing his teeth for the rest of his life.
  9. DALLAS - Dell Inc. plans to sell personal computers at Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, in a departure from Dell's approach of selling machines only directly to customers. A Dell spokesman said Thursday that the computer maker will begin selling two of its Dimension desktop computers in about 3,000 Wal-Marts beginning June 10. Dell spokesman Dwayne Cox said the Wal-Mart deal "represents our first step" into global retail. "Customers want more and new ways to buy our products, and we plan on meeting their needs on a global level," Cox said. "Offering Dell Dimensions in Wal
  10. hang on. I'm transcoding the billboard chart. I'll post it in a second.
  11. funny in a coming soon to a torrent site near you kind of way? It's interesting to me that now buying the CDs isn't enough, but you have to buy them at the right place as well.
  12. I concur. It was clearly "I get it." Which I took to be the meaning of life through the cracked lens of Tony Soprano.
  13. the guideline is children under 17 not permitted without a parent. you're applying a PG-13 guideline to an R movie shown with out any permission. it's wildly inappropriate. and frankly if it were my child I'd want some ass . our society is structured in a way that when approaching bureaucracies and powerful corporations the best way to insure that action is taken is by suing. a lawsuit brought against the school will put in place systems of guidance so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again.
  14. Hardcover, ISBN 0007172117 Publisher: HarperCollins Entertainment, 2005 book. sorry. I'm easily confused these days.
  15. reissue? I took that out from the library over a year ago.
  16. have you ever seen the stuff she posts in 'now eating?' That woman can cook.
  17. Ortiz Not Sure If He Never Used Steroids8th May, 2007 - 12:40 pmBoston Herald - David Ortiz isn't 100 percent sure he has never used steroids, but if he did, it was when he was much younger. "I tell you, I don
  18. wow. offensive and inappropriate in three words. good show.
  19. me. ction. m. chris (though not actually at the table). el famous via web cam. sir stewart (the older one...not the the new guy).
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