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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. I've been reading this thread from time to time and the entertainment value is tremendous. So here's my two cents on the A-rod situation. There is no chance A-Rod goes anywhere. None. At 15-16 million he's a steal for the yankees just based on tickets and merchandies he helps sell. He has no interest in going anywhere else. NY fans may be fickle but that's merely because they want to see the guy actually make (add to) his hall of fame career while here. That's not just an MVP or two but it's huge clutch numbers and a few rings to boot. I wasn't one who was in favor of this deal when it went d
  2. Sean: I think the most relevant question this raises is would Gandhi have ruined Spiders?
  3. this just in...... Using high tech seismographic sensors researchers at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory have just determined that Gandhi has rolled over in his grave.
  4. what's the difference between Apocalypse Now and Apocalypse Now Redux?
  5. lol, no i meant B&P for the baked cookies
  6. if you don't like the bride to be you know what to do then!
  7. I don't think we should be talking about this
  8. The argument brings up some interesting questions. It's not a holiday, at least not yet. should it be? How does having a personal celebration on the day of a tragedy color one's personal experience? Also, I know a woman whose kids are starting school today, and she's pretty worked up about it. What of things of that nature?
  9. it doesn't seem all that random. M. Chris said it was her eldest's wedding anniversary (frankly, how many people even knew her 'eldest' referred to a woman?) and someone asked to see a pic. a wedding pic was posted. I think it's part of the mix in events like this. Life still continues. The wedding anniversary isn't changing days, and it's still a time of celebration even amidst tragedy. filling a thread about an event that occured due to hatred with a heap of hatred seems more counter productive than anything else.
  10. something for jude perhaps not work safe, but an innovative avatar nonetheless
  11. if this is what we got out of it I say bring back Regan bam damn uh huh That photo is like a PSA. This is what happens when you drink, kids!!!!
  12. the artifical constructions of anniversaries interest me as much as anything else as regards 9/11. I'm not any more moved, sadder, or affected on the 5th anniversary than I was on the 4th, nor than I suspect I will be on the 6th. Truth is there's a hole in the ground in lower Manhattan every day for the past 5 years, and it's there everyday of the year. I've seen it in all seasons..it doesn't go away. The people I know who lost husbands or children on that day aren't sadder on september 11th, they live with loss evers day. I'd venture to say they're sadder on thanksgiving and christmas, birthd
  13. ha. no, that wasn't what I won't say that will really piss you off
  14. wow. I had never figured out you were crowjack nice alias, but that's still kind of messed up
  15. that sort of rampant homophobia has no place in a community like this. because the admins won't keep your bullshit in check I quit the board.
  16. I hate the smell of Jay Bennett in the morning
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