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Everything posted by awatt

  1. I used to not get this song. Now I get it.
  2. To be honest, I prefer the guitar over those two jocks from last night...
  3. It's been a while but hard to stay away with new tour and all...
  4. I almost bought Kinks One for the Road at CD store last weekend.
  5. You're right, that was over the top. Really had a great time there, mainly in cities with thousands of other tourists roaming around with maps and backpacks.
  6. I love those VW commercials!
  7. How long a drive is it from Dallas to Austin? The big question for me is what will transpire between Austin and NO. More dates in southeast????? Damn job getting in the way of my Wilco needs!
  8. Seems like even as they try to protect their own, they don't know what the fuck they are doing, or just disregarding way laws are applied to most Americans. From today's AJC article: "Snow also tried to clear up confusion about Libby's probation. While commuting Libby's sentence in terms of prison time, Bush left in place his two years of supervised release. But supervised release
  9. I first listened to in 2005 driving from SF to Sacramento. I nearly cried, loved on first listening, and recognized its timelessness. Another nail in my musical coffin.
  10. Finally arranged for a condo in Seaside on the Gulf for next week. A beach trip once a year is so essential, even if there are no waves.
  11. When the wife and I were in Italy a few years back, I found myself surrounded by 8 or 10 gypsy kids begging for money outside of the Colosseum. They all had pieces of cardboard they were sticking in my gut and back, asking for money. In a flash, one of them had his hand down my front pocket pants where I kept my wallet and before I knew it, the wallet was gone. Luckily my wife, who can kick some ass, spied and then grabbed the little shit who had it under his shirt, bear-hugged him from behind, and I grabbed my wallet back. Watch out for little, pathetic gypsy kids. Went to Florence as
  12. I missed the Dylan/Petty matchup. I'm not sure I'd kill my sister, but would likely inflict a painful wound (if I had a sister!).
  13. This should give you lots of good info: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...=23484&st=0
  14. confirmed all of my suspicions about this band.
  15. Woody Allen was right in Sleeper, everything they told us was bad growing up is good!! http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/04/us/04cho...amp;oref=slogin
  16. I'm late to this thread but who really cares?
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