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Everything posted by awatt

  1. 19? Really? Live it up! Drink responsibly! Happy Birthday to you, whatever your name may truly be.
  2. Two for the Fourth: Many's the time I've been mistaken And many times confused Yes, and often felt forsaken And certainly misused Oh, but I'm alright, I'm alright I'm just weary to my bones Still, you don't expect to be Bright and bon vivant So far a-way from home, so far away from home I don't know a soul who's not been battered I don't have a friend who feels at ease I don't know a dream that's not been shattered or driven to its knees Oh, but it's alright, it's alright for we lived so well so long Still, when I think of the road we're traveling on I wonder what's gone wrong I can't help
  3. And they actually list the artist, which I think is unusual for this kind of commingling.
  4. Never was a big fan of this bit, but anything's better than more ....
  5. You're 47? I figured we were close in age.
  6. I'm partial to the AMC channel using What Light.....See the light!! (with images of Mel Gibson as Braveheart, etc.).
  7. If heavy refers to getting one up to dance, than Walken, no doubt, hands down. If heavy refers to deepest, most profound reflections, than On and On and On, without question. If heavy refers to guitar licks that transport one to another astral plane, than Impossible Germany, of course. If heavy refers to lyrics that are so poignant that one has stop what she is doing and listen intently, than You Are My Face takes the cake. I could go on and on, but will stop. It's all heavy...
  8. awatt


    Here's hoping for another live webcast soon!
  9. Mirror, mirror Up on the wall in the back of the room As I walk down the hall in the house where I stayed Tell me something about what I saw in the face of a man Who once felt it all but feels nothing today Knock knock Who's there I don't know, I can't say Ask me tomorrow I'll tell you the same Ooh, I'm telling you now I'm telling you now Ooh, I'm telling you now I'm telling you now Trouble trouble Down in my hood where it's well understood They love when you're bad And they hate when you're good Tell me something about who we are at the end of our days When our souls become one but our
  10. I know exactly how you feel, though it's more widespread than just SBS.
  11. A fascinating fucking book, written by a good friend:
  12. Not really a line up change, but do think that Roy Bittan playing piano on Making Movies made it the best Dire Straits release.
  13. Cool. I will take you up on this when I get to Chicago. Friedrich is a great romantic painter, if I remember correctly. Also would recommend Freud's Civilization and its Discontents for Eros/Thanatos exploration. I've been wanting to read Hedges "War.." for a while so will check it out.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibPbw3Wkrs0
  15. Nothing personal, Thanatos. I'm just so tired of this particular issue. So yes, I will just stop reading. But on another note, I love your screen name and avatar (German painter?). Next to A-man and a few others, you're one of the more intriguing folks around here. Perhaps I can buy you a drink sometime?
  16. Try camping, and hike to the gorge.
  17. Damn. Maybe I'm not the thread killer I thought (hoped)!
  18. I have an uncanny ability to kill threads when I post. Here's hoping I still have the touch...
  19. D'oh!! I really did a search before starting this but obviously fucked it up somehow. I hate starting a thread that's already been done!
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