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Everything posted by damo

  1. is the beta stable enough to run for good?
  2. whooo bon iver is coming in to work tomorrow!!!
  3. eyah this guy rocks got this last week very cool stuff, jens is a good comparison
  4. just watchign ghost town that ricky gervis movie and please be patient with me came on pretty cool
  5. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=FWsZ7fLfNhI
  6. is the quality you guys are listening to good? if so can i have a PM please
  7. rita just keeps getting hotter and hotter
  8. i was dissappointed the whole way through this season, it was still good but i mean it would be hard for the writers to top season 1 and 2
  9. something thats not like the new songs they've been playing except the wilco song
  10. they remind me of the killers, they are ok nothing special
  11. i have a simialar photo on my phone i saw it at a mates place at the start of the year although my one is a much older looking switch thing
  12. awesome never seen kicking television before, why wasnt there a dvd with kicking television god damn it would have been awesome
  13. i can see the one from the 25th becoming something special in the studio, cant say too much for the 26th one although ive only listened to it once
  14. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OIMGPlH4XPo
  15. i rekon dirge is awesome, btw is there a site like wilcobase for bob dylan?
  16. department of eagles - floating on the lehigh actually pretty much this whole cd
  17. lately i cant stop listening to bob dylan isis but wilco probably in a future age only cause my guitar is in that tuning at the moment
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