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Everything posted by austrya

  1. No, but there was some news report that said that some sort of attack against the US would be nice because it would ensure a McCain presidency.
  2. I paid $2.49 yesterday. I can't believe we were paying $2 more than that over the summer.
  3. Hmmm, I think I'm about due for another concert. It's only been since last time JT played in Ann Arbor.
  4. I think maybe Reni went there a few years ago. Have fun, it looks like a beautiful place!
  5. I believe he said it in the Mother Teresa thread in response to the whole NFP thing.
  6. Thanks for keeping this thread on topic
  7. It's not that they believe they are here only to procreate (unless they are quiverfull). As catholics, we can practice NFP, which prevents pregnancy. But, to be open to life means that if there is a chance that there is an accident, you'd be ok with it. I would practice NFP if I didn't have to be on the pill for medical reasons, but since I'm already on the pill... They have a reality show on TLC Monday night at 10:00.
  8. I should add that although I am Catholic, I do not follow the "thou shalt not use birth control" thing. I have enough kids and my body physically can't handle another pregnancy.
  9. I can't imagine that a cat would liked being slicked up with vaseline so the plaster wouldn't stick in it's fur.
  10. I'll ask again... What do you think of NFP only physicians?
  11. Some hormonal forms of birth control are abortificant by nature, meaning they allow for conception, but don't let the fertilized egg implant. Remember, most people who are pro-life believe that live begins at conception.
  12. https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=51...56965&pli=1 This is a link to blogger comments from sarahsarmy.blogspot.com. Some of them are pretty funny. Interesting about the twitter timeline too. Total fake. Plus, wouldn't her eye be all bloodshot and stuff?
  13. I think maybe either the picture was taken in a mirror or she scratched the B in her own face and screwed up.
  14. I wouldn't wear your obama shirt and buttons. They can turn you away from the polls for that.
  15. I'll be voting ON election day. Luckily I live in a small town, so lines shouldn't be too bad. I can't imagine what some of the line are going to be like on Nov 4th if some of the early voting lines are as long as they're reporting.
  16. What does kind of annoy me is that sometimes women take birth control pills for reasons other than to prevent pregnancy. So that is alienating those women. But then again, I'd just go to a different pharmacy. What do you think of NFP only physicians?
  17. I do know that it built much of the Toledo Zoo.
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