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Everything posted by austrya

  1. Middlesex was a good read. I'm up for anything except "chick lit". A couple classics here and there would be nice too.
  2. It's so much fun to blame the problems of the world on the Catholic church...
  3. Yeah, they give a lot of frauds the Nobel Peace Prize. I just don't understand why you even care? What's she getting a free pass to anyways? If it's becoming a saint, why do you care, you don't believe in Catholicism or saints, so what's the big deal? She did a lot of good for a lot of people. She helped people die with dignity who otherwise would have been literally left to die in the gutter. Whether or not she hurt the cause to "empower women" is besides the point. It was a slum of the highest degree and no matter how many women were empowered, it wouldn't have made one bit of diffe
  4. I took two years of spanish in high school but it was more translation than it was conversational. I could read it better than I could speak it. I don't remember much of it.
  5. Jay and I are interested in learning to speak spanish and hope to teach the kids at some point also. Has anyone used Rosetta Stone to learn a second language? What about Muzzy for the younger kids? Thoughts?
  6. I'm in. Just tell me what book to read and when to have it done by...
  7. I didn't think it sounded too snarky. I was just curious so I googled it. I can't picture him listening to hip hop/rap but maybe he only listens to that to stay in the zone or whatever. I bet he really does listen to Coldplay when he's not at the olympics...
  8. http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=2142 So maybe not Coldplay...
  9. 5'6" Female I don't own any records, but Jay does. I have no clue what he has.
  10. I only saw one, also. It was at about 11:30, so I don't think it was part of the meteor shower, just a stray shooting star. I got up around 4:30 to let my cat out and stood outside for a minute, but I was too tired to focus.
  11. There's a meteor shower tonight! Find some clear, dark sky and enjoy... http://stardate.org/nightsky/meteors/
  12. I read "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller the other day and am currently reading: Next up is Romeo and Juliet and The Scarlett Letter. I've been going to the library instead of buying books because I spend so much money on books, it's crazy. Our library is dinky and doesn't have hardly any newer books unless they are by Janet Evanovich or Danielle Steele, so I'm stuck with the classics.
  13. I'm reading Fast Food Nation, but I'm just not in the mood for nonfiction. I think I need to go to the library...
  14. How can anyone stand to live or do business in the city of Detroit? I can't believe this guy is still in office!!
  15. What a role model... He's such a fucking tool.
  16. Oh that poor girl. How can people do that? I just hope her new parents stick with her and don't give up on her too.
  17. I'm for sure not going to vote for him now. I thought Bush was the anti-christ anyways.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/07/24/odd.names/ When the story was shown on CNN, they showed pictures of kids in the US that were brother and sister. Dow and Indiana Jones. Parents can be assholes sometimes.
  19. My teas arived the other day. I haven't had a chance to try them yet, but I'm looking forward to it!!
  20. Sometimes during the summer you can see them in northern Michigan. I've never seen them, but my dad and my sister have, multiple times.
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