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Everything posted by anthony

  1. I agree w/ G&C. Definitely the standard blues-rock shuffle.
  2. My wife wrote to Tony M. and asked for autograph one year for my birthday. This is what they sent (along with a bunch of stickers): (not the frame, of course, just photo ... and guitar pick)
  3. As a huge Zep and Blues fan, I realised the Page 'borrowed' a lot of lyrics from blues songs (especially on the early records). But just yesterday, I heard one that I had not known before. I find this to bw such an enjoyable experience: learning a little more about the cross-hybridization of two of my favorite musical entities. Even after all these years. This song is from Barbeque Bob. See if you can spot the Zep lyric (or at least similar lyric). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWZgPTfwxrE
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlusgU-MUZ4
  5. Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning I had not listened to this one in a while and had forgotten how much I really like it. Most BE/CO stuff I find 'meh', but this one really strikes a chord.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mMN693-F3U . I really loved the book. I am hoping they captured it well for the movie. Trailer is not bad.
  7. Very under-rated, IMHO. Rian's second film that pays homage to the Con Man films retains the indie sensibility of style over substance - but in a very entertaining way. Snappy dialogue, great visuals, quirky unique characters, ... great movie.
  8. Impressive, no doubt. Highly talented fellow (with some good pedals out of camera shot, I'm sure). Here is my nit-pick: A little too much metal, not enough blues-rock.
  9. Just got this on vinyl. Stunning.
  10. I just added this version to the Wiki, for future reference. Let me know if you have corrections. I would like to eventually add the lyrics w/ corresponding chord changes at some point.
  11. This is streaming on Netflix now. Pretty entertaining. My wife always asks me: How can you both love and hate Star Wars? This documentary does a pretty good job of answering that question (special editions, han shot first, jar jar binks, miti-fucking-chlorians, ...)
  12. Gillian Welch & David Rawlings ”Working On A Building” Essential collection of early material Demos & Live perfomances
  13. I concur with this whole-heatedly.
  14. I know what you mean and I understand the criticism it is receiving; but I still really enjoyed it. While I do not agree, I enjoyed this review as well ( NOTE - SUPER _ SPOILERS ): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1gX8Kwdg3I&feature=relmfu
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVdD2WfmlFc
  16. I just saw Fantastic Mr Fox for the first time and I have to say... it was fantastic. Love the symmetrical shots, the stop-motion was brilliant and the trademark color schemes. Beautiful film.
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