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Everything posted by anthony

  1. The Prince / Led Zep cover you have all wanted (It is pretty damn good, actually)
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c78B8PRiQ2o
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LVr4UP9ntLs
  4. Have you tried Downloadthemall?
  5. I think many people of my age were hugely influenced by the Beasties and MCA. For many of us, the debut LP was the first rap record that we liked/bought. For many of us, we still argue with friends about how under-rated Paul's Boutique is. For many of us, Ill Communication came out during our formative years and remains entrenched within our memories of road trips, cheap beer, good friends and late-night games of Spades. RIP MCA
  6. Stunningly beautiful. Congrats, Bosco. Hog topped guitars are definitely a different animal: much more muted, woody and subtle. I have a martin D-17 that have come to love, but I had to really play her a while before I was able to appreciate the tonality. I think you will find some songs lend themselves well; while others do not. My two cents, of course YMMV.
  7. I agree with this. Whenever someone puts together one of these lists, it is usually some baby-boomer-centric recycling. This one dares to be different, cerebral and relevant. Sure there are odd choices and some overlooks, but it is the most interesting list I have read in a long time.
  8. Yes, I too am an aging Gen-Xer who had a box of tapes that included Use Your Illusion and Led Zep II (although I don't like to be reminded of the AGING part :-D )
  9. I would love to see it!
  10. If you are not following Carrie on Twitter, let me recommend it. She is very funny. Check out this gem from today:
  11. I prefer the Little Willies over the solo stuff.
  12. Here is what I have (based upon JTs solo version): Laminated Cat / Not For The Season The tuning / riff is different for the IATTBYH bonus disk version (drop D).
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAwblRDTAUc
  14. This is a remarkable performance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJkQvyoWJBk
  15. This guy seems to have the inro / licks down pretty well (for solo acoustic): . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eobaHzJxQI
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBJOXSpk2ak
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgHQalqG6E8
  18. It is my sunburst Martin 000-28H. Instagram
  19. For me, some songs have gotten better with time (Whole Love, Damned on Me, I Might), while others have diminished after repeated listens (Black Moon, Red Lung, Open Mind). All-in-all, I think I still stand by my initial review: I LIKE the record, I don't LOVE it. One Sunday Morning is still an instant classic.
  20. Testing out my new instagram account. Now that it is out for android, it is safe for non-hipsters now, right?
  21. I am not sure how JT plays it solo, but this is what I have: Blasting Fonda Let me know if you think the solo version is different.
  22. Overworked. I am a freelancer and work tends to come in waves. Right now, on a crest. I know, I know: too much work is a pretty good problem to have. But it has kept me from of the stuff I usually do to keep centered: playing guitar, riding bike, meditating, reading.
  23. ^^^ This will date me, but I decorated my freshman dorm walls with cutouts of long boxes. These were HUGE in elementary for me: ... A few more good ones...
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