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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. One thing was for sure in last nights debate. Mitt Romney was out to f*cking lunch on womens issues.
  2. why explain to Jules why they dont make any sense. Any lamebrained pete can see why they dont correlate to the points the Vice President made.
  3. I was on the front row for with a dear friend for that show. As good as live music gets. Both nights were great. I actually think Phish is pretty fresh and at the top of their game right now but i know that makes me a minority round here
  4. those points at the bottom of that Biden picture dont really make any sense
  5. anyone else love 3 6 mafia or the earlier solo Cee Lo Green stuff?? threw in NWA straight outta compton the other day and damn it is good.
  6. Tweedling is just parroting this weeks RW talking points. They are saying that in response to Romney barrage of policy in the debate last week that all Obama can muster in response is Big Bird and attack ads. Complete BS of course but whats not out of Fox and Friends.
  7. Before President Obama took office, the economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month. Now, we've seen 31 consecutive months of job growth and 5.2 million new private sector jobs. .
  8. 4 billion a year in subsidies to oil companies and thats a low number. Ive never heard one republican say that if we keep giving it they become dependent blah blah blah. everyone depends on food and food costs money
  9. BULLSHIT welfare is impossible to get now. Its one tenth of what it was ten years ago. It really doesnt even exist. I mean all things being even I guess it would be "easier"...........I mean it aint "easy" to get a job. That intern is straight up lying. whoops. finished reading it. shes calling unemployment insurance and food stamps "welfare"....................again. welfare basically is dead.
  10. Herion is on your system for 3 days Alcohol 24 hours Cocaine 3 days Marijuana 3 weeks If you know when the test is you can beat it every time.........................Unless you smoke pot
  11. anyone been watching episodes and web therapy?? Homeland and Boardwalk Empire are both off to unreal starts. Makes watching so much fun. Homeland was the best season opener ive seen maybe ever
  12. Anyone else like Thunderheart? I think Ive watched it at least five times now.
  13. yeah we know. when the numbers are high they are true and talked about every day on Fox. When they get lower its cooked books and never spoken of on Fox. Nice. Just like Romney. Lie about everything and call your opponent a liar. Great way to debate.
  14. i read someone somewhere on the interweb talking about how Obamas response was a respectful black mans response to being bullied by and angry white guy. Looking down and away and acting timid and what not. I thought that was an interesting thought. Not sure what i think of it
  15. Did I hear Romney promise NOT to lower taxes on the wealthy??
  16. so people actually believe that there will be 16000 new IRS agents?? I mean like they believe its actually true? how friggin gullible could you possibly be?
  17. Sparky you can look on the ground and tell theres not gonna be another housing crisis. its already played out
  18. Actually it goes back to before that and there is a mix of groups like the patriot party now the tea party. the waco and ruby ridge folks were all anti fed as well. It really starts with anti semitism and that the jews run world banking. also anti CFR, world bank and UN. not sure why they align themselves with the republican party of the new millenium
  19. His great "alternative" news sources run by old crazy white boys. Started with Birch in the 50s.
  20. the only thing close to this would be a tupelo reunion and i would go on tour for the smiths
  21. Sparky has taken a fat dump all over this thread. That cut and paste crap is ten times worse than the garbage i post. These anti fed dorks have been predicting the downfall of man forever. So boring.
  22. The Avett Brothers. I think I actually saw them live and everything and didnt give a flying F. Now i see them as the saviors of modern popular music. (whatever that is)
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