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Everything posted by froggie

  1. check out these awesome Billy Connolly parodies from sketch comedy shows down here! in this one, "billy" is in my city and talks about the longest bridge in Australia here, one of our Chaser boys takes the piss. check out the perfection from 50 seconds onwards! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr5hsm0MUHw
  2. off topic, but why do i always think of Billy Connolly when i read this thread title?
  3. and on the Ballad of John & Yoko
  4. yeah, thats the UK version from 1997 that's mentioned in Greg's book. my famous one was last year
  5. here's the infamous Kingpin from shepperds bush in 1997.. enjoy http://www.sendspace.com/file/dtr0ao
  6. > Yeah, I think Jay also plays bass on ELT... not according to my booklet, he doesnt!
  7. i met up with the happy couple last night for dinner/drinks. they enjoyed sydney and are enjoying melbourne so far. craig is a bit paranoid of crossing the street here cause everything's in the opposite direction they'll get a tase of our melbourne winter today at the winery tour! nice to meet you guys!
  8. in 2007, it was ARRRRGGHHHH! i'll try and repost that shepperds bush Kingpin soon. jeff's rant went on forever. then when they returned in 1999, he apologised for it
  9. happy birthday! you're a big girl now
  10. i really love I've Been Delivered
  11. i got to hear that one at the soundcheck for the melbourne show this year, but they didnt play it during the show
  12. ah, i thought Petty may have had a similar song title.. thanks
  13. come down to melbourne if you want cold!
  14. i was trying to figure out Let the mermaids flirt with me on my guitar last night. managed to get as far as faking it!
  15. for the melbourne show this year, i requested When you wake up feeling old - 7 times through different computers under different names. no luck someone yelled out for Kamera and jeff said only one person requested it. again, it didnt get played at least i got acuff-rose last year
  16. hmm... really? Toowoomba Mostly fine 20 courtesy of bom
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