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Everything posted by froggie

  1. same tracklist, just a different name. nice karaoke time when you've had a few
  2. anyone here heard this album?. i just discovered it on spotify.. not too bad for a first listen!... and i hate yoga! http://www.amazon.com/Yoga-To-Wilco-Pop-Ups/dp/B005QTFIQ6
  3. george could have written that in 1988 for the wilburys!. lucky jeff got to it in the meantime!
  4. i figured that. i bet george harrison's rolling over in his grave
  5. hey hey what can i do?!!. bring out 'That's the way' next time.. it'll suit your voice, jeffy!
  6. Mother Hubbard is an aussie band that didnt last long, after Alex Lloyd went solo, but this is worth checking out from 1994:
  7. Leroy could it all on his own!, but Jay is the icing on the cake
  8. i'd love him to re-record previous tunes in a solo studio setting with a bit of a twist to them. ed kuepper's doing it for the second time next month
  9. ah what the hell, airline to heaven (as the opener) mountain bed when you wake up feeling old you never know via chicago someday soon one bye one (encore).. solo acuff-rose
  10. hope all goes well from the land downunder (Australia) for you, and your whole family. keep it up!. you'll be fine!
  11. mega vibes and hopes from the land downunder, sue!. keep yer chin up!
  12. nice one!.. nothing like a good fun sing-a-long!
  13. he wore one at the Sundance premier in 2003... with a beenie hat. looked like just like my late grandmother https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=CzHlUamow_6FNM&tbnid=zoGPRGn6i4GivM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbobdylan.livejournal.com%2F1046913.html&ei=Fg_1UvytOY7fkgWfvoHACQ&bvm=bv.60799247,d.dGI&psig=AFQjCNElARzNEsxkj8Y6U4Ur_HEx_yvdHg&ust=1391878288424421
  14. no one told me that Cat Power was playing tonight in Melbourne... i would have been there!
  15. i'm just about to go to bed - dont want any nightmares!
  16. i love those 3 as well. i dont know what people dont like about What Light. listen to the other albums too - but the lyrics seem be harder to sing along to!
  17. from that album?.. NO!.... its the best of his songs on that album, and Train and That Year come a close second. Screen door is just fun
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