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Everything posted by froggie

  1. it always brings a smile to my face!. never done live
  2. not the first time charlie's been gone from the band, but GE would be great!
  3. you sure thats not robert plant in disguise?!
  4. this is good as well: http://www.amazon.com/Bob-Dylan-Behind-Shades-Revisited/dp/006052569X some laughs in that one!
  5. well the intro to 'that year' became 'smells like teen spirit'!
  6. i've only read the original hard cover version as well
  7. Rob's book is great but it leaves its later years on briefly. here's the cover to the boot series 10: http://www.bobdylan.com/sites/bdylan/files/dylan_asp_boot10_cov.jpg
  8. straight from the horses mouth - Chronicles Vol 1 - Bob Dylan. really pleasant read. different chapters from early days till 1989!
  9. i see Tweedy joined bob for 2 songs last night!
  10. 2004.. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAn-iZJfSzB-YNu9VOgEQQvP-NUlV83ThbEjr1u5EA4pyCKQuV 2004.. bonnaroo http://t2.gstatic.co...jr1u5EA4pyCKQuV
  11. now with face book, we've started to confuse real names & the the ones here. well i do!. i still still love place, just dont get a chance to visit as often. its introduced me to lots of new (old) music
  12. froggie

    Wilco Book CD

    there are some lyrics. just be careful removing the cd from the book - its a tight fit!
  13. was that the one where they played a random 'when you wake up feeling old'?
  14. call me crazy, but i consider You never know as one of their best tunes!. traveling wilburys revisited!
  15. woops, you're right, a-man!. my mistake
  16. bingo!.. think i found it. it lists john paul jones as well
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