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Everything posted by froggie

  1. but that cant deal with flacs... only waves (unless i dont know how to use it!)
  2. its a mix of solo stuff and band format
  3. that zimmerman dude havent seen the artwork.. could you post it?
  4. actually, i got mixed up with Dylan. indeed it is the Someone else's songs set that i was talking about!
  5. yep, there's a set called 'covering them' (or 'em)?? it was made a while ago so all the recent covers arent on it (during the AGIB tour i got it... if you want a copy, send me a PM with you mailing address and i'll send it
  6. fine, i'll get back to the bottle
  7. woops, i think i left out the magic word from that reply. it should have read: congrats donna!. its not JUST us 'geeks' online here that wish you a happy birthday!
  8. congrats donna!. its not us 'geeks' online here that wish you a happy birthday!
  9. froggie

    walk on

    here ya go... 8 april last year http://www.sendspace.com/file/5k6xg2
  10. what station?? triple J or one of the commercial ones?
  11. they're all pretty cheap. i got the maton on the right at a second shop for only $250 (semi acoustic). they probably didnt know wha they were selling!
  12. that might be me on sunday afternoon i'm listening to outtakes from bob dylan's Shot of love
  13. forgot to mention i heard I'm always in love at my local boozer a few months back. the songs they play are usually selected by people working there. i asked one of the girls who made the mix tape but she said they're randomly put on cds and didnt know..... hopefully a single damsel chose it
  14. california stars and kamera
  15. here's one: http://www.sendspace.com/file/kkieh3
  16. any time after january 28th, so beg away!
  17. he actually said that himself late last year... i think it was the Q mag where can the kevin shirley one be found?
  18. i prefer What light to open the album
  19. damn, i should be the first to start bdy threads from our time difference. i saw it was his birthday at 8am this morning ( 11 hours) eppy brzday mr bolan - you look good for your age. have a good one and let others catch up to your number of posts
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