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Everything posted by froggie

  1. and you can slap a load of flac shows on a data dvd and listen to them from your hard drive - and then delete them from the hard drive. saves lotsa space!
  2. rang the palais at 8am friday morning and booked over the phone. it arrived yesterday. row A, seat 19, so looks close to the middle as well.... what did you get (if you did)?
  3. i got front row tix for the 2nd melbourne show!
  4. Hang me for a sucker On the plains out of Narrabri Swingin' a hoe in a CAL-cotton row Sweatin' on the dangers to me Bossman's Mr. Tucker He's a man I don't care to defy And his only child wicked and wild is seeking my company She wanna build me up tear me down Slap my knee bones to the ground Me and mine are gonna be around When Tuckers' daughter's a memory Hot sun is a killer She'll be waitin' at the end of my line Taking the shade with a cool lemonade sayin' Boy I wanna talka to you Bossmans' only daughter She ain't his and she'll never be mine Never be down on a dollar
  5. that was Mallory from Family Ties... if its the same girl, she aint australian i'm struggling through this - dont see what the fuss is and why everyone seems to love it. pretty slow and becomes predictable after a while. lucky i borrowed it off a friend and didnt buy it apparently its better than the american version even
  6. when you click on "add reply" there's an option at the bottom to attach a file.. you can do it that way or upload it from the web.
  7. havent heard that one! glad you had a good time
  8. first time i've heard it referred to as that!
  9. more like early Beatles for that one
  10. plus there's low carb beer now down here - stops your arse and gut from getting fat, apparently
  11. that could have been a typo on the scan above... maybe he meant to say the album will be appEalling
  12. Tweedy in Dallas this year... he's talking about shit
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