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Everything posted by froggie

  1. good evening! here's a true classic at the moment: and waddaya know? - visions of johanna at the moment
  2. welcome along! feel free to join the UK and australian party at 5pm australian time. you guys are getting over hangovers and i'm just starting on the piss
  3. i love the new stuff, but can i come to the party? i'll bring the
  4. i just came across this while going through some current shows... its some chick in the audience, near the taper that decided to make the song a duet! its Masters of war, 4 Jul 2006 http://www.sendspace.com/file/dk446r
  5. nup, i was born here and live here, but havent studied the hats that closely
  6. i'm jumping in here on a crisp clear monday NIGHT before a warm sunny one tomorrow to hijak this thread since andy hijacked mine
  7. dont know what its like in the states but most of his albums are pretty easy to find on vinyl here. the ones that are a bit of a problem are Under red sky and everything that came after. i'm talking in 2nd hand terms... brand new they can be found or ordered but tend to be pricey. heh, even the Dylan album from 73 is easy to find as well, but costs a bit more obviously
  8. based on the descriptions and setlist position, it seems to the same one
  9. JB hifi have it listed for pre-order... release date is November 3rd. and only $24
  10. into one of these (with about 5 or 6 repeat doses co,ming up) now thats what i call class on a lazy afternoon!... gordon lightfoot playing on the turntable beside me
  11. the house you live in - gordon lightfoot is there anyone home - gordon lightfoot
  12. Dylan should be playing songs from the new album this tour.... has Petty toured since the release of his last album?.. or maybe he's one of those artists that plays new stuff before its released? dylan wont play anything new until the album comes up (been like that since 1990)
  13. just sing, what you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, dont let anyone say its wrong
  14. you mean the A.M era line up? yep. actually, any line-up would do
  15. up the arsehole? well, i thought the original hiccup cure is to get someone to scare. if i foreign finger travels up my arse, i'd get a bit scared - so this must be old news
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