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Everything posted by froggie

  1. i saw them in a book store last year, and was also surprised how good Pat's voice is. only 20 people in the audience, and john said they were expecting 5!. excellent low key gig before the big wilco show that evening. the funniest memory is when i opened the toilet door in the upstarirs room while john was taking a piss in a single toilet
  2. kiss me - sixpence one the richer cruise crontrol - headless chickens confide in me - kylie minogue last kiss - pearl jam joyride - roxette sleeping satellite - tasim archer drops of jupiter - train end of the innocnece - don henley come with me - diesel i'm with you - ed kuepper gallows pole - page/plant kiss froma rose - seal (dont get me started on 1993 - i'll flood the board!)
  3. the way the australian dollar comapres to the american one these days, that's damn cheap!. in 2007, we had to pay close to $90
  4. i always found John to be the most approachable
  5. i've met all the current line-up (plus Leory) and they were all nice people. i got into the afterparty twice and they were all kind to the people from the arse-end of the world!
  6. i love the Under the covers album...... and i've loved susanna since 1989!
  7. i can say i'm not too fond of YHF and AGIB, but to pick a favourite from the others would be hard
  8. disk 1 is the wilco rocker, whereas disk 2 is the sesame street outtake!
  9. i love 1991! - great music for a good time in my life
  10. your guess is as good as everyone's. they do play it every now and then. maybe put in a request for it on their official site
  11. Lucy has gone to the sky, with her diamonds http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26139204-23109,00.html THE woman who inspired the iconic Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds has died, a charity said. Lucy O'Donnell was a childhood friend of John Lennon's son Julian, and the song title was inspired by a picture that he had drawn of her at school. "That's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," Julian explained to his father when he took the picture home. Many fans believed that the classic 1967 hit, recorded for the Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, was a thinly disguised pae
  12. check a song called "if i get lucky" - its my fave from them
  13. according the the calandar, it would have been her birthday today.
  14. didnt Lennon once say that Ticket to ride was the first heavy metal song ever recorded?
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