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Everything posted by froggie

  1. on the Man in the Sand DVD, he does his own version of Birds and Ships for a bit. it had a folky feel to it.. much faster than Natalies version. wilco covered Walt whitman's niece in early 2000 as well.
  2. happy birthday (or, eppy bzrday), scott! you enjoy jerry, and i'll enjoy gord
  3. instant Karma: (ignore the blind-folded lady)
  4. > I just want to be able to stand in the driveway with my short shorts on and wash my car to it AM and Being There were released over 10 years ago
  5. Plowing through the 2nd week of Dylan's 'money' program from theme time radio...
  6. I'm watching an old Greek comedy at the moment. cant understand most of it, but its still damn funny
  7. i was listening to volume 3 last week and considering that and volume 2 to be better than the first one.. oh well!
  8. > HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS $100,000 he probably got sued big bucks for walking around the beach among semi-naked girls on the film clip
  9. Bob Dylan = $call For Details ... that sounds scary $5000 for billy joel's daughter.. i'd like to see what he daddy charges!
  10. > froggie, i'm sensing a theme with you over the last few days
  11. > chucked Nevermind out of the window of the Uncle Tupelo tour van. They claimed it sounded like Whitney Houston. the opening track sounds a lot like tupelo's That Year
  12. nup, it hasnt been played since wilco was born. i'd love to see a return of We've been had or full band version of Gun. the only UT rarity that jeff's played since wilco is That year (18 nov 97)
  13. if you collect demos for yourself, no on will care - just dont sell them
  14. there isnt any sydney kangraoos in AFL. there are the sydney swans, though. it must have been rugby, which we call the NRL. there's rugby league and rugby union, which i dont know the difference between them!. there is a conflict between the two sports. in New south wales, NRL is all the go, whereas in Victoria, its AFL. which used to be called VFL before interstate teams decided to crash our party a few facts: rugby is more like grid iron. AFL/NRL use a weird shaped ball and the players beat the crap out of eachother (and get involved in drug and alcohol scandles away from the game- (he
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