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Everything posted by froggie

  1. > I'd like to hear Tweedy sing up a key he's already doing that!
  2. hey robert, he's the dude in the middle dancing with the band that was there... a bit blurry though!
  3. i'm hoarding a photo of Pat strutting his moves on the dance floor after the show down here earlier this year
  4. 2 of my favourite songs of all time: Ian Moss: Tucker's Daughter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHthoB4ZwJc Jimmy Barnes & Badloves: The Weight (Band Cover) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo5iEwEr33o
  5. can someone set me up with this complete version? i only have the official dvd and cd version.... i have lots to trade (dylan & wilco)
  6. take it away Big Yin! Our little dog is six years old, and he's smart as any damn kid. But when you mention the V.E.T. he damn near flips his lid. Words like S.H.O.T. shot or W.O.R.M. worm, These are words which make him S.Q.U.I.R.M. squirm. His Q.U.A.R.A.N.T.I.N.E starts today, Because he bit the V.E.T. and then he ran away. He caused me and my wife to have a big fight, and then, both of them bit me. And that's why I am gonnae get a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. She shouted "get him Rover," and he jumped over, and bit my L.E.G. She sank her teeth in my B.U.M. and called me an effin B. Well I'm telli
  7. > just watch out that sansone doesn't try to steal your girlfriend. err, did i miss something that night?
  8. when you wake up feeling old it has a warm feeling during winter nights
  9. cool parody of REM's everybody hurts clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFCtzERSrnU
  10. i've met jeff, john and pat before the show and they were more than friendly. i hung around the door where artists go into the venue. they dont unload their own equipment - they have roadies for that. jeff usually gets roped in to do promo stuff for the media before the show, so it might be harder to meet him. i met john in the before the show while he was casually strolling down the street doing some window shopping. pat even invited us to go partying with them after the show apparently jeff doesnt hang around much afterwards and gets whisked away to his hotel.. even when meeting them after
  11. 10 years later and it still hasnt grabbed me...
  12. what happens if you've never heard the album and dont intend on hearing it?
  13. > Do you Aussies give each other beachballs and tanning lotion and surfboards for Christmas? nah, usually we have a bbq with lots of beer and watch all the snow on TV, oversees! the last time it snowed down in melbourne was 1986!
  14. winter comes, and the days....
  15. one of my favourite George Harrison performances - absolutley sweet marie at the bob's 30th anniversary bash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auTLIN9aC7c
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